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精品文档 Module 1 Changes and differences Unit 1 Tidy up! (第一课时) 教学目标: 1、通过演唱 Sing asong 的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,让学生感知本单元的核 心句型。 2、通过 Listen and sing 核心句型。 3、通过 look and learn 教学重、难点 中有关整理房间的对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的 栏目,帮助学生学习日常生活用品的名称。 1、能掌握单词 tidy, let, sock, cap, yours, mine, tidy up 2、会运用句型 Are they yours? 及回答 No, they aren ’t. 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程: 第一次备课 第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、利用教室中的实物与学生进行对话,以复习学过的 句型 Whose...is this/that? Whose...are these/those? T: (point to a bag in the classroom) Whose bag is this/that? S1: It ’s(S2 ’s name) ’s. T: Is this/that...? S2: Yes, it ’s... / No. It ’s... T: Whose...are these/those? S3: They are... T: Are these/those...? S4: Yes, they are. / No, they aren ’t. ... 2、让学生欣赏 Sing asong 中的歌曲,病朗读歌词, 然后跟唱。唱完以后,学生还可以用身边的实物改编歌词并 . 精品文档 演唱,以初步感知本单元的核心句型。 While-task procedures 1、教师与学生就 Listen and say 第一幅图片中的情景 展开问答。引出对话内容。 T: Look! This is a picture of a room. Is it tidy? Ss: No, it isn ’t. T: Who are they in the picture? Ss: They are Sally and Peter. T: What are they doing? S3: They are tidying up the room. T: (write tidy up on the blackboard) Yes. They are tiding it up. “tidy up “means “makeit clean ”. How do they tidy it up? Let ’s listen. 2、出示以下句子,让学生听录音后判断句子正误并改 错,以检测他们是否理解了对话的大致内容。 1) The socks are Peter ’ s. ( ) 2) The socks are not on the bed. ( ) 3) Both the cap and the T-shirt are Paul ’ s. ( ) 4) Sally asks Peter to put the T-shirt on the chair. ( ) 然后出示下面两组句子, 利用学生的书和文具和他们问 答,帮助学生理解 mine 和 yours 的用法。 Is that your book? / Is that book yours? This is my book. / This book is mine. T: Is this your pen? S1: Yes, it ’s mine. T: Is this yours too? S2: No. It isn ’t. 3、让学生听录音并跟读对话,男女生分角色朗读对话。 然后,学生两两一组,根据 Listen andsay 的对话以及后 续练习中的对话提示做问答练习。 . 精品文档 S1: Whose bedroom is it? S2: It ’s



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