特斯拉员工手册 Tesla Handbook 2020.docx

特斯拉员工手册 Tesla Handbook 2020.docx

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特斯拉员工手册 Tesla Handbook 2020 The Anti-Handbook Handbook不是手册的手册 We’re Tesla. We’re changing the world. We’re willing to rethink everything.? We’re a high tech company unlike any other high tech company. We’re a car company unlike any other car company. We’re different and we like it that way. Being different allows us to do what no one else is doing; to do what others tell us is impossible. If you’re Iooking for a traditional employee handbook filled with policies and rules, you won’t find one. Policies and rules tell you where the bottom is -they tell you how poorly you can perform before you get shown the door. That’s not us.? We prefer to have incredibly high standards and to hire exceptional people who enjoy pushing themselves to perform at the highest levels everyday. We want to surround ourselves with people driven to do the right things and act with integrity even when no one is looking.? Is this you? If so, we’re glad you’re here and we look forward to doing amazing things together. If this isn't you, you'll be more successful somewhere else. We don't mean to sound harsh; it's just the truth. 我们是特斯拉。我们正在改变世界。我们愿意重新思考一切。 我们是一家与众不同的高科技公司。我们也是一家与众不同的汽车公司。 我们是特别的,而我们喜欢这样特别的方式。与众不同让我们可以做别人没法尝试的事;做别人告诉我们“不可能的事”。 如果你在找一本传统的员工手册,里面都是政策和规则,那你在这里是找不到的。政策和规则会告诉你底线在哪里——它们告诉你,在你被扫地出门之前,你的行为有多糟糕。但这并不是我们的员工手册要做的事。 我们偏爱做的事,是设定难以置信的高标准,并雇佣那些喜欢每天都驱动自己达到最高水准的人才。我们希望周围的同仁都能做正确的事,即使无人注意,也能正直行事。 这说的是你吗?如果是,我们很高兴你与我们一起,共同完成令人赞叹的事业。如果不是,我们恐怕你在其他地方工作会更成功。我们并非有意苛求,但这就是事实。 Some of our High Standards我们的一些高标准 If you’re reading this, you’re probably new to Tesla and have questions about how some basic things play out around here. Here’s what we think you need to know to get started. As for everything else, such as information about our pau policies, meal and rest breaks, time off, and leave policies, check the internal website or ask. 如果你正在阅读这本手册,你可能是新近加入特斯拉,对这里的一些基本情况尚有疑问。以下是我们认为你开启工作时,首先需要知道的事情。至于其他的事情,比如我们的付薪政策、用餐和小憩时间、休息规定、休假政策,你可以去查看公司内部网站或询问相关同事。 Trust 信任 We give everyone who joins o


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