自-《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的反奴隶制88497 .docVIP

自-《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的反奴隶制88497 .doc

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廊坊师范学院 本科生毕业论文 题目:《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的反奴隶制   精神 姓名:杨芳 指导教师:许素波 系别:英语系 专业:英语教育 年级:02接本 完成时间 2004年5月20日   The Spirit of Anti-slavery in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Yang Fang Prof: Xu Subo Submitted to the B.A. committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Langfang Teachers College. 2004/5/ ?题目:《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的反奴隶制精神 摘要:马克·吐温 是美国19世纪伟大的批判现实主义作家。他的不朽的杰作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》仍被世代人爱不释手,这在于小说的反对奴隶制,追求自由的鲜明主题。这部小说被誉为一部 “反对种族歧视的伟大著作”。因此在美国文学史上保持着永久的艺术魅力。本文着重分析了密西西比河的象征意义——自由和仁慈; 及哈克从良心上逐步觉醒, 以至最后他坚定了反对奴隶制的 “良心”。由此可知, 哈克是当时社会一个反奴隶制的典型代表形象, 而越来越多的人也开始意识到必须废除奴隶制, 追求属于他们自己的民主和自由。 关键词:反奴隶制精神;自由;内战前;哈克;吉姆 Title: The Spirit of Anti-slavery in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Abstract:Mark Twain is a famous American realistic writer in the nineteenth century. Generations of people have been reading with undiminished affection, his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, with opposing slavery and pursuing freedom as its theme. Providing Huck Finn with its ever-lasting charm in American literature, the novel has been considered as a great work against racial discrimination. This paper focuses on the analysis of the symbol of the Mississippi River—freedom and goodness, and the gradual process of Huck’s being awakened from conscience to anti-slavery consciousness. The analysis finally contributes to the conclusion that Huck is regarded as a representative of anti-slavery spirit of the then society in which a growing number of people are beginning to realize the great necessity of the thorough abolition of slavery and of the possession of freedom and democracy. Key words: anti-slavery spirit; freedom; pre-civil; Huck; Jim ?Contents I. Introduction ········································································································6 II. Mississippi—the Symbol of Freedom and Goodness ·····················8 The Symbol of Freedom ·································································


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