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2021年中秋节英语日记 【#英语资源# 导语】我最喜爱的中秋节又到了,这一天里,人们需要吃月饼和赏月来庆祝中秋节。以下是2.2021年中秋节英语日记 In China, the Mid Autumn Festival is the second largest traditional festival after the Spring Festival. Every Mid Autumn Festival, in my beautiful hometown Hangzhou, factories and schools have holidays. The shopping malls are bustling, and the West Lake is crowded with tourists. In the evening, the whole family got together, eating delicious moon cakes and talking about the interesting things that happened today. Children scrambled to recite “thinking at a quiet night" and "walking on the ancient moon". As the saying goes, "the moon is the hometown of Ming". Whenever I finish the reunion dinner, I can't wait to run to the window, look at the blue sky and wait for the moon to appear. After a while, the moon peeped out its face from the clouds. I cried excitedly, "the moon is coming out! The moon is coming out!" I saw the moon emitting bright moonlight. With its round body, it really looked like a big jade plate. The stars twinkle around the moon, as if celebrating its "birthday". Looking at the moon, I seem to see Chang'e combing her long hair in the Moon Palace, the jade rabbit jumping around her, and Wu Gang chopping a strong tree. How beautiful everything is. Colorful lights were lit along the canal. People took advantage of the crisp autumn weather to visit the canal at night and enjoy the moon by boating. The Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown is so lively and peaceful. 3.2021年中秋节英语日记 Today is China's traditional festival - Mid Autumn Festival. On this day, people outside have to go home and reunite with their families - as full as the moon on this day. Our family is no exception. On this day, many people came to our family, including brother, aunt and uncle. Grandma also made a lot of delicious food. We talked while eating, talked and laughed, and learned about each other's recent work, family and study. After dinner, my father took out a large bo


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