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有关神舟十二的英语作文 【#英语资源# 导语】从东方红一号到嫦娥飞天,从无人飞行到太空行走,从北斗组网到火星登陆……中国航天事业的腾飞令世界瞩目,中国航天的成果红利也让世界共享。这充分展示了伟大的中国道路、中国精神、中国力量。2.有关神舟十二的英语作文 At 9:22 on June 17, 2021, Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft went up to heaven. Three astronauts were sent into space. They are Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo. I think they should be very excited! Especially Tang Hongbo, when he went into space for the first time, would he feel very nervous and afraid? Before the spaceship flew out of the atmosphere, uncle Tang Hongbo was really curious. He turned his head to see the scenery outside the spaceship. He seemed to think: the universe is really beautiful! I love it! I thought: if I were uncle Tang, I would want to stick my face on the window and look out of the window all the time. Uncle Liu Boming is reading the materials, and uncle Nie Haisheng is also doing things seriously. Uncle Tang Hongbo is naughty again. He may want to see if the pen will float in the air, so he threw it up, and then he threw up the information... His curiosity is so strong! He seemed to think that space was so interesting! After 6.5 hours, they finally reached their destination - the China space station. At 15:54, Shenzhou 12 completed docking with Tianhe core module, but the three astronauts did not enter Tianhe core module until 18:48. I think: they are really not easy. And the three uncles have to do some work in the sky and core module. They have to stay for three months to return to the earth. They are so great! I'm really proud of our country - China! 3.有关神舟十二的英语作文 At 9:22 on June 17, Shenzhou 12 spacecraft flew out of the earth. It flew out of the earth on the Long March 2 rocket! Three astronauts are sitting in the spaceship. They are going to fly to the Chinese space station. Nie Haisheng has been in space for the third time. He is an experienced captain. Liu Boming is still very excited about his second time in space. Tang Hongbo looks very excited. This is his first time


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