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I don't even know where to start. I know you must have... 我不知该从何说起,我知道你心里… a million questions, but I don't know how many answers I can give you. 一定有太多疑问,但我不知能给你多少答案 If you're watching this, it means I'm probably dead. 如果你在看这个视频 意味着我可能已经死了 You were always the one good thing in my life, and if I didn't tell you enough, I care about you more than you'll ever know. 我想再告诉你一次,你是我生命里最美好 最特别的人,我始终无比关心你 Please find out who did this, clark. 请你查出是谁干的,克拉克 You're the only one who can. 只有你能 K-E-N-T. K-E-N-T. Kent. It's a farm. Do they even have addresses? 肯特,是个农场 他们到底有没有地址啊 look, the last super genius I had on the line told me to turn right on route 31. 拜托,刚才线上那个天才告诉我在31号♥路右拐 Now I'm totally lost. 结果我现在完全迷路了 Oh, about a billion stalks of corn. 哦,周围全是玉米地啊 That's just great. 真不错啊 Okay, if you smoke this, you are going to spend the rest of the night hating yourself. 好了,要是抽烟的话 你这一晚都会讨厌自己 Oh, my god. 哦,上帝啊 Are you... are you okay? 你…你还好吗? What's your name? 你叫什么名字? I don't know. 不知道 I need to get you to a hospital. 我得送你去医院 I am fine. 我没事 You've just been hitby lightning, 你刚被闪电击中 you're stark naked, and, uh, and you don't even remember your own name. 你浑身赤♥裸♥,还有,呃,不记得自己名字 You have a fairly loose definition of "fine. " 你说你没事谁信啊 Look at his face. 看他的脸 I have a blanket in the trunk. 我车箱里有张毯子 Don't move. I'll be right back. 别动,我马上回来 Wait. 等等 Who are you? 你是谁? Lois. 路易斯 Lois lane. 路易斯·莱恩 Try and keep up. 好好跟上 Why are we here? 我们来这干什么? To get you checked out. I am fine. 给你检查下 我没事 Do you know how many people are struck by lightning every year? Hardly any. 你知道每年有多少人被闪电击中吗?极少 You know how many survive? Even less. 被击中还能活下来的?更少 And the number who get picked up by lost drivers? Zero. 被迷路司机救下的几率有多大? 零 So far you're 3-for-3, so how about a little less complaining and a little more forward motion? 你居然3项全中了 所以少抱怨点,积极配合下行不行? Excuse me. Got a guy here who needs immediate attention. 不好意思,这有个人需要紧急帮助 Fill out these admission forms and include proof of insurance. Slight problem... 把这些


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