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Manipulator i s now used as a i ndustrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often i n industri al automati on. Industrial a utomation technology has gradually matured, a s mature a te chnology li ne has been ra pid development in i ndustrial a utomation as a separate subj ect. M anipulator appli cation bega n to filter into w eldi ng, logi stics, me cha nical processing, a nd other i ndustries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poi sonous gases, hig h radiation ca se, robot in similar cir cumsta nce s showe d great use al so brings great convenie nce t o the staff. Preci sely beca use of this robot to get people's attenti on began t o be a high degree of development. Labor rates, worki ng conditions, la bor i ntensive aspects of promoti ng devel opme nt. Both at home and a broad t o devel op t he PLC (programmabl e logi c controller) is i n various spe cial cir cumstances a nd under speci al conditions set for mecha nical dev ces. Now t urne d on the development of the microelectronics aut omatic control te chnol ogy and the ra pid development of the trains, t he success of PLChardwar e software a nd simulati on contr ol win big a nd successful development, now continues to devel op as a factory a utomation standards. Beca use r obots are g ood devel opme nt of the te chnol ogy makes a good optimizati on of productive ca pital, a nd r obot shows t his unique a dvantages, such as: has good compati bility, wide ava ilabil ity, hardware i s complete, a nd progr amming t hat ca n be ma stered i n a short time, so i n the context of industrial PLC applicati ons be came ubiquitous. Ma nipulator i n many developed country agri cult ure and industry has bee n applie d, such as the use of mecha nical harvesti ng large area s of farmland, re peated operations on the high-spee d line t hat uses a r obotic arm, a nd soon. oday, t hehigh level of automati on combi ned with restri ctions on t he mani pulat or devel opme nt level is sligh


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