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霍华德·菲利普·洛夫克拉夫特 (1hearts;8hearts;9hearts;0.08.20 - 1937.03.15) 厉害爆了的恐怖小说家 至今无人能超越 伊丽莎白·凯勒 帕特里克隐约有种感觉 Patrick had a vague feeling 有事情要发生 Somethings about to happen. 他该如何告诉他父母 邪恶的东西无处不在? How could he tell his parents the malevolent things were all around ? 上至苍穹 下到尘埃 In the ether and in each speck of dust 帕特里克总是能看见它们 Patrick always see these things 而且似乎只有他能看见 And always seemd that he alone knew about them 到了第七天的晚上 And so...on the evening of the seventh day, 他感觉到它们即将来临 He could feel their imminent arrival 晚风中传来一阵低吟: Something in the breeze of twilight whispered 就在今晚 Its going to happen tonight. 第二天 他妈妈打开房hearts;门 The following day, when his mother opened the door 里面什么事也没发生 There was absolutely nothing there 只看见帕特里克·威廉·沃兹的尿迹通向空空的衣橱 The trail of Patrick Willian Wards Urine led to an empty closet 昨晚 它曾笼罩在黑暗之中 Bathed in the darkness of his last night. 完结 The End 天啊 Gosh 可算完了 Here we go 这是你写过的最好的故事之一了 Thats one of your best - 妈 你每次都这样说 - 没错 - Mom, you tell me that every single time - Yeah 但这次我是说真的 But this time I mean it 真的? Really? 我听得都着迷了... I was fascinated, captivated ... 也被吓到了 Scared. 风格很像那个... It was like... 洛夫克拉夫特 Lovecraft - 我知道 会不会有点太像了?- 不会 - I know.Too much like him, huh? - No 我尚未完全形成自己独特的风格 I havent completely found my voice yet. 是的 关键就在此 Yeah.Thats what it is - 薇拉 - 妈 我妹妹是个怪胎 - Vera - Mom, my sister is a freak - 能说点新鲜的么 - 不能 - Something new please - No 贝丝 说真的 Beth, honestly 我想破头也不明白 你为什么要花这么多时间 I cant rack my mind around you spend days 写了个以地上有尿迹 这种神结局收尾的破故事? writing this piece of crap that ends with piss on the carpet. 你不会明白的 You wouldnt understand. 你写这些故事的目的到底是什么? What the hell your stories suppose to mean ? - 目的就是吓人 - 噢 吓人 - Theyre supposed to be scary. - Oh scary 做你的姐姐才吓人呢 祝愿你能找到男朋友 Scary is having you for a sister, but good luck finding you a boyfriend. 别说了 薇拉 Temps mort, Vera! 我听不懂法语 I dont speak French! 接着写下去 贝丝 Keep writing, Beth. 如果我就是写得不够好呢? What if Im not good enough? 你已经写得够好了 贝丝 Youre good enough, Beth. 因为你是我妈 所以你才老是这么说? Youre only saying that because


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