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内外饰科数据名称命名规则-R00 THE NAMING RULES OF DATA FOR INTERIOR AND EXTEIROR SECTION 为了规范数据管理,方便查找,特制定如下数据的命名规则: In order to manage and find out the data more convenient, we establish the following naming rules for data 归档的数据必须是以下格式的 The data to pigeonhole must be the following formats UG18 CATIAV5R10 AUTOCAD2000 数据的命名规则 The naming rules of data 整个文件名必须由65个字母组成,不能有空格,按照下面的格式: the name of the files .dwg or .model must have 65 characters without free spaces using the following scheme: ④Release 版本号 Project (eg: A11 or A15 or B11 ..….) ③3D/DWG ⑥Designer 项目名称(如:A11或A15或B11……) 数据类型 设计者 A11-1001101---XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXX----------XXX-R00-YYYYMMDD-CH 65 Characters65个字母①Drawing Number ②File Name ⑤Date 65 Characters 65个字母 零件号 英文名 日期 2、说明 NOTE ①零件号由13个数字和字母组成,一般情况为11个,在零件号后用2个中划线“-”补齐。若是可替换件加2个字母的尾缀,详细的按照奇瑞公司的编号原则Q/SQR.04.003。如果不知道零件号,则用“X”代替。 Drawing number has 13 characters, but often only has 11 characters and add 2 “-” after drawing number. If it is replacement, another 2 characters are 2 letters and details refer to CHERY standard Q/SQR.04.003. If you don’t know the drawing number, it can be replaced by the “X”. ②英文名全部大写,单词之间用中划线“-”隔开。零件号和英文名向左靠齐,数据类型、阶段标记、版本号、日期、设计者向右靠齐。若整个文件名不足65个字母,在英文名和数据类型之间加中划线“-”补齐。若超出65个字母,则可以将英文名缩写,最终满足该要求。All characters of English should be in capitals and be connected with the “-”. Drawing number and File name should be aligned left. Data format, Stage mark, Release, Date and Designer should be aligned right. If the number of character is less than 65, the “-” is needed to be filled between the file name and the data format. If the number of character is more than 65, you can modify the file name to satisfy the need. ③数据类型:3D或者DWG Data format: 3D or DWG ④版本号: 第一次提交版本号为R00,更新后第二次提交为R01,依此类推; Release: The first release is R00, and the second is R01. The rest may be deduced by analogy. ⑤日期:YYYYMMDD,依次为年月日


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