《 国际商务合同(英)》-课程教学大纲.doc

《 国际商务合同(英)》-课程教学大纲.doc

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PAGE PAGE 13 《国际商务合同(英)》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码课程名称:国际商务合同(英) 英文名称:International Business Contract 课程类别:专业方向选修课 学 时:26 学  分:2 适用对象: 商务英语专业四年级 考核方式:分散考试(笔试) 先修课程:《国际贸易实务(英)》、《国际商法(英)》 二、课程简介 《国际商务合同(英)》课程的教学资源采用大量实务中的中英文合同,介绍国际商事英文合同的基本特征和总体结构,总结英文合同语篇、句式和用词等特点。本课程运用翔实的合同范例和小案例分析,列举国际商务合同的典型类别,示范典型条款的惯常表达,并解读合同的一般条款和特殊条款。 课程成绩评定以学生的平时成绩50%、期末考核50%的权重来计算。其中,平时成绩包括小组课堂讲介、案例讨论、个人课堂答问、书面作业及出勤情况等五个部分。 This course is offered to Business English majors as an optional course in their 7th semester. Based on a large number of contracts in Both Chinese and English, this course is intended to introduce the basic characteristics and overall structure of international commercial English contracts and summarize the characteristics of English contract in text, sentence patterns and choice of words. This course adopts sample contracts and case study to enumerate typical categories of international business contracts, to demonstrate the usual expression of typical clauses,and to interpret general clauses and special clauses of contracts. Course assessment is based on the weighted average of class participation 50% and final term examination 50%. Marks for class participation consist of five parts determined respectively by students’ in-class group presentation, group case discussion, and individual in-class question-answering, written assignments and class attendance. 三、课程性质与教学目的 《国际商务合同(英)》是外国语学院为商务英语专业四年级学生开设的专业方向选修课。 其任务是使学生通过本课程的学习,帮助学生认识国际商务英文合同语篇、句式和用词等特点,熟悉与合同相关的专业术语和词汇;带领学生剖析英文合同一般条款及特殊条款,了解典型的买卖合同诸项条款的惯常表达,以提高学生的商务英语综合运用水平,打造“商法融合”的应用型高级专门人才。 在本课程结束时,学生应熟练掌握商务合同术语词汇和常用条款的惯常表达法,基本具备商务合同阅读理解能力,并初步拥有翻译和起草国际商事合同的能力,为其今后从事对外经济贸易工作、翻译起草和签订国际商务合同,为培育学生诚信服务、德法兼修的职业素养等,打下坚实的基础。 四、教学内容及要求 Chapter 1: Introduction Language of Contract Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives: To understand the course design, teaching plan and course assessment. To review the basics of contracts. To raise Ss’ awareness of the language for contracts and agreements To understand the confusing concepts c


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