The Air I Breathe《我呼吸的空气(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Air I Breathe《我呼吸的空气(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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情感 一如浪花 须臾变换 难以为继 --亨利·沃德·比彻(美国自♥由♥派公理教会牧师) 我总是怀疑 当蝴蝶破茧而出的时候 I've always wondered when a butterfly leaves the safety of its cocoon 能知道自己已经变得多么美丽吗? does it realize how beautiful it has become? 会不会还以为自己是一条毛毛虫? Or does it still just see itself as a caterpillar? 我很小时 就知道幸福生活的秘诀 When I was a kid I knew the secret to a happy life 在学校遵守纪律 努力学习 Play by the rules work hard in school 用功♥学♥习 and if you work hard in school 换来更高学历 then your reward is more school 也许毕业后回报会更多 And after more school 你会得到生命中最美好的东西 then you're given the best that life has to offer 一份好工作 金钱 美好的未来 a job and money and a future 满足没有终止的非凡的欲求 filled with the unending singular pursuit of more 正上升四分一点 快冻结! lt's going up a quarter of a pointBlock it now 这就是我一直追求的 And this is what I was living for 我的幸福生活 My happy life 我鄙视那些碌碌无为的人们 我? I envied those who never questioned it Me? 我要摆脱他们 I needed a way out 照旧 好的 The usual Sure 我有... l have 一点事情 希望你能 Here's something that l was hoping that you might 再看一下 You might take a little A look at 还有什么问题? 没有 ls there something the matter? No 你的信用记录很好 Your track record is perfect 并且你的股票也很幸运... And with your stock market luck 我们应该 你应该... we could You could 也许你应该再多投资点 Maybe you should invest more 不 我要小数目 这样简单一点 No Small amounts Just keep it simple 只是 你只是... lt's just You just 你是怎么做到的? How do you do it? 有时孤注一掷是唯一选择 Sometimes risking everything is the only choice you have 但你好象从未抓住那样的机会 But you don't seem to be taking any sort of chance 我不是在说我自己 l wasn't talking about me 对不起 你说的对 l'm sorry You're right 这些都与我无关 This is none of my business 请别顾虑我靠你的股票间接获利 Please don't concern yourself with me piggybacking on any of your stocks 我不会再那么说了 l would never do that 我不担心 l'm not worried 我知道你不可能会那样做 l know for a fact that you would never do that 那么 变化从何而来? So where does change come from? 它发生的时候我们从何意识到? And how do we recognize it when it happens? 她哭诉着说 and she's whining about it saying 不要 求你了 痛啊 ''No please lt hurts'' 谢谢你的内♥幕♥消


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