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在十六世纪 炼金术师约翰·迪写下了 In the 16th Century, the mystic John Dee wrote 七芒星 这本颂唱书 the "Sigillum Aemeth", a book of musical chants 本想用它召唤天使 that were meant to summon angels, 却召唤出了恶魔 but brought forth demons instead. 因为畏惧这邪恶之音的不洁之力 Fearing the unholy power of his dark songs, 迪试图摧毁这本书但他失败了 Dee tried to destroy the book, but failed. 在巫师的作祟下黑暗笼罩了大地几个世纪 Sought by sorcerers and dark rules for centuries, 书的下落不明 the book had been lost 直至今日 until now. 汝上天之灵将庇佑着跟随 Bequeath protection upon thine followers who walketh 汝之仆人 in the footsteps of 汝之仆人 in the footsteps of 你对上天的姑息将 And your appeasement of the gods of 还是不行 Have failed. 七包血还不够吗 罗尼 What seven blood packs not enough, Ronny? 是的 我腰套里的血袋一点用都没有 Yeah, this shit's never coming out of my tunic, by the way. 我不知道要怎么跟你们说才好 I don't know what to tell you guys, okay? 不能容忍♥ The appeasement fails? -胡扯 -是你的错 艾瑞克 -It's bullshit. -You failed, Eric. 或许你要真正的牺牲一下 Maybe if you made a meaningful sacrifice. 别乱说 罗尼 Hey, that's bullshit, Ronny. 我们深更半夜跑到这树林里来 We're over here in the woods in the middle of the night. 我们还唱了圣歌♥ We nailed the chant. 够了吧 Come on. 做了所有计划中该做的事 Had everything that game plan laid out. 不能总是让我失望呀 Can't keep just failing my appeasements forever. 我错了 I'm sorry. 去你的 亨 Fuck you, Hung. 阿瑞克不是故意的 The appeasement fails because Eric wasn't meaning it. 他不是故意的 He wasn't being meaningful. 胡扯罗尼 Bullshit, Ronny. 我不知道要怎么办了 I don't know what to tell you guys. 你有时候更加难侍候 罗尼 Sometimes I don't know who's harder to appease, Ronny. 如果你再不停下抱怨的话 老天就会 If you don't stop complaining, the gods of 诅咒你的全身患上 are going to curse all your characters 邪恶疱疹 with a case of evil herpes! 艾瑞克 你错了 Eric, you failed. 也许你应该作出真正的牺牲 Maybe if you made a meaningful sacrifice. 伙计们跟这弱鸡在一起我们如何 Guys, how will we ever taste triumph at Evermore with this 才能在永恒之境成功 weak bullshit? 别害怕雷金纳徳先生 我知道如何使用魔法 Fear not, Sir Reginald, for I have just the magic needed. 看我来念一念咒语 Excuse me while I whipeth this out. 那是什么 What was that? 老兄那是什么 Hey, Dude, what's that? 什么 What? 糟糕


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