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我叫H·I·麦克唐纳 My name is H.I. McDunnough. 叫我嗨 Call me Hi. 我初次遇见艾德... The first time I met Ed... 是在亚历桑那州的滕比市监狱 was in the county lockup in Tempe, Arizona. 别忘了拍侧面 艾德 Don't forget his profile, Ed. 向右转 Turn to the right! 这一天我永远不会忘记 The day I'll never forget. 向右转 Turn to the right! 艾德这名字怎么配得上象你这样的美女 What kind of name is Ed for a pretty thing like you? 是艾德温娜的简称 向右转 Short for Edwina. Turn to the right! 你是一朵花 You're a flower, you are. 小小的沙漠之花 Just a little desert flower. 告诉我照片的效果怎么样 Let me know how those come out. 监狱生活非常有组织... Prison life is very structured... 比大多数人了解的更夸张... more than most people care for... 但是男人之间的友情有个特点... but there's a spirit of camaraderie between the men... 看起来似乎只有争斗... like you find only in combat, maybe... 就象在一家职业球会打比赛 or on a pro ball club in the heat of the pennant drive. 有件事对我们有所帮助... In an effort to better ourselves... 我们被迫听法律顾问讲课... we were forced to meet with a counselor... 他努力帮助我们认识自己为何会这样那样 who tried to help us figure out why we were the way we were. 他所要的只是一个辊子和黄油 All he wanted was a hot roll and butter. 那么... So... 为什么你们会用"捕获"这个词呢 why do you use the word "trapped"? 在一个男人的体内你们怎么会有那种感觉呢 Why do you say you feel trapped in a man's body? 有时候我痛经痛得非常厉害 Well, sometimes I get the menstrual cramps real hard. 你有没有认识到什么 嗨 Have you learned anything, Hi? 是的 先生 肯定有 Yes, sir. You bet. 你不是唬弄我们对吧 You wouldn't lie to us, would you? 不 夫人 当然不是 No, ma'am. Hope to say. 那就好 OK, then. 我试过要重新做人... I tried to stand up and fly straight... 但是在里根政♥府♥管理下这不太容易 but it wasn't easy with Reagan in the White House. 我不知道 I don't know. 他们说他是个好样的 看来... They say he's a decent man, so... 也许他的顾问们被搞糊涂了 maybe his advisers are confused. 向右转 Turn to the right. 怎么了 艾德 What's the matter, Ed? 我的未婚夫离开了我 My "fy-ance" left me. 她说她的未婚夫走了... She said her fiance had run off... 和一个美容学徒一起... with a student cosmetologist... 谁知道她是怎么勾引他的 who knew how to ply her feminine wiles. 真是个婊♥子♥ The sumbitch. 别忘了记下他的电♥话♥ 艾德 Don't forget his phone call,


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