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Welcome to Engtech flea marketflea marketflea market It is said that in 1884, in order to keep the cleanness of the city, Paris government demanded the poor, who lived by picking trash, carry the waste to abandoned military base. 相传1884,巴黎政府为维护市容,要求许多捡破烂为生的贫民将市区的废弃物搬运到荒废的军营。These poor people were very good at digging out “treasure” from the trash; they could then sell in the market and turn them into profits.这些贫民以平时在垃圾堆里寻宝的功力,自行在废弃物中挑拣尚能用的物品过滤出售。After that, a market was formed, which was called “the flea market”. 没多久就形成一处固定的市集,称之为“flea market”,即跳蚤市场之意。So, why it’s called “flea market”? There are different kinds of sayings about the name.为什么这个市场被称之为“跳蚤市场”?人们众说纷纭。Some says, most of the things were picked from the trash, where lots of fleas lived inside.有一说因为这些物品多已被使用过,常有许多跳蚤在上面,因此被称为“跳蚤市场”。Another saying is that the people in the market are as many as the fleas. 另外也有市场里面的人跟跳蚤一样多故得名的说法。 Other vocabularyVendor摊主Stand 摊位Business license 营业执照Interview time: What did you bring today?I brought…Exchanging in English! A: Good afternoon.(下午好)B: Good afternoon.(下午好)A: May I help you? (我能帮你什么吗?)B: Yes, thank you. May I have a look at this book? (好的,谢谢。我能看一下这本书吗?)A: Of course, here it is. (当然可以。给你!)B: I like this book. May I trade this pen with it?(我喜欢这本书。我能用这支笔和你交换吗?)A: OK.(可以) / A: Sorry, I don’t need a pen now.(对不起,我现在不需要钢笔。)Exchanging in English! B: May I have a look at this book? (好的,谢谢。我能看一下这本书吗?)A: Of course, here it is. (当然可以。给你!)B: How much is it? (这个多少钱?)A: It costs 3 stars. (它值3个星星。)B: It looks nice and good. I will take it. This is my money.(看起来蛮好的,我要了,给你钱)/B: It’s too expensive. How about 2 stars?(太贵了,2个星星怎么样?)A:OK. Here you are.(好吧,给你)Exchanging rules 交换规则The exchanging will set up when both vendors agree. If one of them doesn’t agree, the exchanging fails. 要在双方议价后都同意交换物品,交换才成立。如有一方不同意则交换不成立。Teachers will help the vendors to exchange. The official language of the exchanging process should be English.老师会在摊主旁边协助进行交换,物品交换全程需要用英文沟通。Exchanging rules 交换规则If any dispute h


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