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上海名校2021年高二下试卷精选汇编——08.概要写作专题 2021年3月上海建平中学第二学期高二年级英语月考试卷 Section C 51. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Faces communicate feelings. They can tell people if we are happy, sad, or confused. Faces have another use, too. Like your unique fingerprint, your face can identity you. Unless you have an identical twin, there is no one else in the world with your face. By matching the code of any new lace to the codes for faces that are already in the database, nowadays facial-recognition technology can probably pick up the same person. Now, organizations are using your face for many different purposes. Police department uses facial-recognition databases to identify people. For example. The U. S. police analyzed the data from the facial-recognition technology to look for terrorists at a large sports event in Florida. Another use is for preventing identity theft. Banks will use a customer’s “face-print” for identification instead of an ID card, which are easy to steal. Not everyone is happy with these developments. Many people feel that facial-recognition technology can be an invasion of privacy. For example, advertisers are using the technology to analyze people’s laces. When people walk by an outdoor advertisement, the sign takes their picture. It analyzes the picture and suggests products for these people to buy, such as makeup. People have another concern: A stranger may take your picture without your knowledge, match this photo to one on a social media website, and obtain your personal information such as age, interests, and even address. Experts hope that we will find ways to limit the risks of the technology. It’s certain that as the new technology develops, we will need new laws to protect people. Meanwhile, experts have a suggestion: Simply tilt your head 15 degrees to the side when someone takes your picture. Facial recognition doesn’t


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