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PAGE PAGE 1 八十的英语单词怎么写 八十的英语单词怎么写:eighty 英[?e?t?]美[?e?ti]。意思为80。例句:He stands one metre and eighty. He is over eighty, but he still dodders along. 英:HJPlayer.init("hjptype=songplayer=5file=/u/2016/10/25/cdfb60f2ed5e072f342a30bb2d4f600a.mp3autoStart=falseshowDownload=truewidth=200height=40"); 美:HJPlayer.init("hjptype=songplayer=5file=/newylk/2017/08/29/447bf28784511702824bda7fb50990a3.mp3autoStart=falseshowDownload=truewidth=200height=40"); She was over eighty. 她年过八十。 He stands one metre and eighty. 他身高一米八十。 Eighty divided by four equals twenty. 八十除以四等于二十。 He is over eighty, but he still dodders along. 他年过八十,但仍蹒跚而行。 He is eighty, and is likely to live on 他八十岁了,看来还能活下去。 The census enumerated eighty-six persons over one hundred years old in this mountain area. 根据人口调查这一带山区共有八十六位百岁老人。 Abram was eighty-six year old when Hagar bore ishmael. 夏甲生以实玛利时,亚伯兰是八十六岁。 Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend. 周末气温会升到80多度。 It was fashionable in the sixty but definitely passe in the eighty. 那在六十年代是时髦的,但在八十年代肯定是过时了。 He departed this life at the age of eighty. 他80岁时去世。 He didn#39;t get past eighty thousand. 他没超过8万分。 The watch is worth about eighty yuan. 这只手表价值八十元左右。 We can get a fair meal for eighty cents. 我们花八角钱可吃上一顿不错的饭。 I was doing eighty when i overtook you. 我刚才是以每小时八十英里的速度追上你的。 A man of eighty was picking up lumps of coal along the railroad. 一个年过八旬的老汉,这会儿正沿着铁路在捡煤碴。 They kept back eighty fen from my wages for trade union membership dues. 他们从我的工资中扣下八角钱交工会会费。 A civilization which has been shaping itself through eighty centuries cannot be abruptly attacked. 八千年所形成的文明不是一下子就能摧毁的。 Eighty percent of them are experienced teachers. 他们当中有80以上是资深教师。 Eighty percent of the students like school uniforms. 百分之八十的学生喜欢校服。 About eighty percent of the victims were civilians. 百分之八十的受害者是老百姓。


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