电子商务企业的财务风险管控研究 ——以京东商城为例.docx

电子商务企业的财务风险管控研究 ——以京东商城为例.docx

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天津大学仁爱学院2019届本科生毕业论文 1 - 摘 要 当今社会是一个电子信息迅速发展的时代,我们要追赶时代的潮流,顺应时代发展趋势,就要加紧步伐加入到电子信息领域中来。由此,电子商务企业迎来了蓬勃发展的时期。例如电商巨头阿里巴巴、亚马逊、唯品会等等。随着电商的快速发展,我们的衣食住行各个方面都离不开电商企业。电商企业的快速发展在促进我国经济增长、社会发展和人民生活水平提高的基础上,也慢慢暴露出一些比较研究的财务风险。 本文首先对电商企业进行了相关理论分析,以J D商城为例,通过了解该企业的经营现状、财务状况,并对其近年来的财务报表等数据进行分析,了解分析了该企业所面临的的财务风险和企业做出的相应管理控制措施。从而了解了目前我国电商的财务风险及其管控情况,并对其管控中存在的问题提出了一些合理化的建议,让电商企业这个新兴发展的企业能够更好的稳定持续发展下去。 关键词:电子商务企业;财务风险;管理控制 ABSTRAT Today's society is an era of rapid development of electronic information. If we want to catch up with the trend of the times and conform to the trend of the times, we must step up our steps to join the field of electronic information. As a result, e-commerce enterprises ushered in a period of vigorous development. For example, e-commerce giants Alibaba, Amazon, Merchandise Club and so on. With the rapid development of e-commerce, all aspects of our clothing, food, housing and transportation are inseparable from e-commerce enterprises. On the basis of promoting economic growth, social development and the improvement of people's living standards, the rapid development of e-commerce enterprises has gradually exposed some financial risks of comparative study. Firstly, this paper makes a theoretical analysis of the electric business enterprise. Taking J D Mall as an example, through understanding the business status and financial situation of the enterprise, and analyzing its financial statements and other data in recent years, it understands and analyses the financial risks faced by the enterprise and the corresponding management control measures made by the enterprise. In order to understand the current financial risk of Chinese business and its control situation, and put forward some reasonable suggestions for the existing problems in the control, so that e-commerce enterprises, a newly developed enterprise, can better stabilize and sustain development. Key words: Electronic Commerce Enterprise; Financial Risk; Management Control 目 录 绪论1 研究背景及意义1 1.1.1 研究背景



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