旅游情景英语(第二版)Unit 4-3.pptxVIP

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“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材 旅游情景英语 课件制作:张永海 (第二版) 旅游情景英语 Dining 旅游情景英语 Contents Warming Up Language Focus Practice Extending Conclusion Review Homework 旅游情景英语 Review restaurant, take order, specialty, specialize, banquet, Luoyang Water Banquet, region, custom, meal custom, flowing, hence, recommend, recommendation, delicious, nutritious, premier, Canadian, entertain, distinguished, carve, humorously, compliment, rename, reputation, both at home and abroad, twice Key words and phrases 旅游情景英语 Display of the Pre-class Work Can you give the terms of different areas of food service in the hotel as many as possible? What’s the attitude of many western tourists in China towards chopsticks? 旅游情景英语 Main points Yes, I can. There are: (1) Restaurants. (2) Banquet halls. (3) Cafeterias. (4) Grill rooms. (5) Bars and cafe. 旅游情景英语 Main points: Generally speaking, they are very interested in using chopsticks, but they often find it difficult to do so. 旅游情景英语 Discussion Words and Phrases Useful Expressions Beijing Cuisine 旅游情景英语 Words and Phrases dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti/ n. 朝代,王朝 Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭 Beijing Tan’s Cuisine 北京谭家菜 assorted cold dish 冷菜拼盘 local snack 地方小吃 originate /əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ vi. 发源,发生 旅游情景英语 chef /ʃef/ n. 厨师,大师傅 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜 Mongolian Cuisine 蒙古族菜 Manchu Cuisine 满族菜 Qingzhen Cuisine 清真菜 extravagance /ɪkˈstrævəɡəns/ n. 奢侈,浪费;过度 旅游情景英语 quick-fry /kwɪk fraɪ/ n. v. 爆(炒) instant-boil /ˈinstənt bɔil/ n. v. 涮 materials /mətɪərɪəlz/ n. 材料;材质(material的复数) historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ adj. 有历史意义的;历史上著名的 course /kɔːs/ n. 一道菜;课程;过程 poetic /pəʊˈetɪk/ adj. 诗的,诗歌的;诗意的 旅游情景英语 Useful Expressions (1) which is also called … 也被称为…… (2) It originated from … 它起源于…… (3) It combines the cream of all kinds of food, such as … 它吸取了……菜的精华融汇而成 旅游情景英语 Useful points when introducing a cuisine: (1) the name of the cuisine (2) the history of the cuisine (3) the feature of the cuisi


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