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基础写作步骤 三、扩展成句 形成基本语义单位 用一些简单句、不同句型、不同句式或 高级词汇将要点扩展成句 1。这个展览将在下周一到周日举行 2.展览的内容 在这个展览中,你将会了解他的童年,他的教育,他的教育以及他在农业上所取得的成就 The exhibition will be held from Monday to Sunday next week/will start at 9:00 and ends at 5:0(,lasting 8 hours)every day next week. As scheduled,/The exhibition is scheduled to be …/It is arranged that… On the show, you will learn about his childhood, his education and his great achievements in agriculture.(what he achieves in agriculture ) (1)(2)合成----The exhibition will be held from Monday to Sunday next week,during which time /from where you will learn about his childhood, his education and his great achievements in agriculture.(what he achieves in agriculture ) 3.Introduce Yuan Longping Yuan Longping 是一个伟大的科学家,他研发了新型的水稻,水稻产量提高了50%,他的杂交水稻出口到全世界的许多国家,让成千上万人不再挨饿。 Yuan Longping is a great scientist. He develops new types of rice. His hybrid rice raises the production by nearly 50%. His hybrid rice has been exported to many countries in the world. It prevents millions of people from starvation. Starve:vi(suffer from hunger) 句式升级: Yuan Longping , a great scientist, develops new types of rice , hybrid rice, which raises the production by nearly 50% and has been exported to many countries in the world, which prevents millions of people from starvation. 4.约定的时间和地点 如果你方便的话我们在周四下午去参观,我们将在2点的时候在学校大门口集合 If it is convenient for you, we will go to visit it on Thursday afternoon and I will wait for you at the school gate at 2:00./ If it is convenient for you,let’s meet at 2:00 on Thursday afternoon at the school gate. 基础写作步骤 四、连句成文 时间 空间 细节 连贯 呼应 背景(适当条件,内容等)、 逻辑关系、开头与结尾、巧用连接词和 过渡句 基础写作步骤 五、查错改错 要尽量剔除错误 如要点齐全、句法、语法有无问题;单词拼写、大小写和标点符号;句数 Conclusion: Typical mistakes in Writing 1. 不一致(Disagreements) 2. 句子不完整 (Sentence Fragments) 3. 词性误用 (Misuse of Parts of Sp


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