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新托福考试评分标准 新托福听力评分标准 新托福听力一共是 6 篇文章, 34 道题,在 6 篇文章中所有回答正确的题目数量加 起来就是你的 “total points。在一道表格题中,所有的项目都要回答正确,你才算” 是拿到了 point 。在双项选择题中,只有把两个正确答案都选出来才算拿到了 point,少选、多选或者误选都不行。 新托福口语考试的评分标准分析 新托福口语考试的评分标准与其它外语类考试的口语部分有本质上的区别。希望 考生在看完本文之后能明白考试方向,并根据自己的特点去制定口语复习策略。 我们来详细分析口语考试每个分数段的评分标准: 四分评分标准 ANSWER TO QUESTION The student answers the question thoroughly. COMPREHENSIBILITY The student can be understood completely. ORGANIZATION The student? s response is well organized and developed. FLUENCY The student? s speech is generally fluent. PRONUNCIATION The student has generally good pronunciation. GRAMMAR The student uses advanced grammatical structures with a high degree of accuracy. VOCABULARY The student uses advanced vocabulary with a high degree of accuracy. 从左文我们能够得知,口语分别从六个方面对考生的英文水平进行评估。后四 个,流利程度、发音、语法及词汇与雅思口语考试评分标准相当。不同的是,新 托福口语考试在语法和词汇的使用上要求更高一些。而发音和流利程度只要求是 generally 达到标准就好( generally=for most parts)。语法和词汇方面则是 high degree of accuracy。大家对词法和语法方面经常出问题的话,这时要注意了。前 三个,完整回答、可理解及组织语言方面,我们可以发现完整回答要求大家全面 的阐述话题;学生自己的说的话应该能够被理解;组织语言方面,考生的 Response应该组织严密,逻辑性强。这就是四分对各位考生的要求。 三分评分标准 ANSWER TO QUESTION The student answers the questions adequately but not thoroughly. COMPREHENSIBILITY The student can generally be understood. ORGANIZATION The student?s response is organized basically and is not thoroughly developed. FLUENCY The student?s speech is generally fluent, with minor problems. PRONUNCIATION The student has generally good pronunciation, with minor problems. 二分评分标准 ANSWER TO QUESTION PRONUNCIATION The student discusses The student?s pronunciation is information from the task but does not very clear, with a number of not answer the question directly. problems. COMPREHENSIBILITY GRAMMAR The student is not always The student has a number of intelligible. errors in grammar or uses only ORGANIZATION very basic grammar fairly The student?s response is not accurately. clearly organized and is VOCABULARY inc



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