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只为大家学英语 汽车总动员》 Cars [Inhaling and exhaling deeply] [Male] OK... Here we go. Focus. 好了,准备了,专心 Speed. I am speed. 速度,我是速度 [Cars whizzing past] One winner, 41 losers. 1 个赢家, 41 个输家 I eat losers for breakfast. 我把输家当早餐吃 [Car accelerating] Breakfast. 早餐 Wait, maybe Ishould have had breakfast. 也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好 A little breck-y could be good for me.No, no, no, stay focused. Speed. 不不不不…保持专心,速度 [Cars whizzing] I'm faster than fast.Quicker than quick. 疾如风,快如电 I am lightning! 我是“闪电” ! [Pounding on door] [Male] Hey, Lightning! You ready? 嘿,“闪电”,准备好了吗 <i>[Sheryl Crow: Real Gone]</i> Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready 没错,“闪电”早就准备好了 [engine rewing] [Engine revs] [Crowd cheers] Ka-chow! 咔嚓! [Cars zooming] 《汽车总动员》 [Cars whooshing] [Both scream] [All cheer] Get your antenna balls here! 来买天线球喔 Go, Lightnin'! 冲啊,“闪电”! - Whoo!- You got that right, slick. [whistles] - 哇喔! - 你说对了,滑头 [Air wrench whirring] Uh! [screams] 呀! [Engine revs] - [Male] Welcomeback to the Dinoco 400.- [Crowd cheers] 欢迎回到戴诺可 400 I'm Bob Cutlass, herewith my good friend, Darrell Cartrip. 我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛 赛车进行到一半了, 今天可能是赛车史上重 要日子 <i>We're midway through what maybe an historic day for racing.</i> <i>Bob, my oil pressure'sthrough the roof.</i> 鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升 <i>If this gets more exciting, they'regonna have to tow me outta the booth!</i> 比赛要是更刺激的话, 恐怕我得被拖着出去 了 <i>Right, Darrell.</i> 的确是的,达洛 <i>[Bob] Three cars are tiedfor the season points lead,</i> 三部领先的车,以相同的积分 <i>heading into the final raceof the season.</i> 进入本季最后一场比赛 <i>And the winner of this race will winthe season title and the Piston Cup.</i> 这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟 活塞奖杯 <i>Does The King, Strip Weathers,</i> 绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒 <i>have one more victory in himbefore retirement?</i> 是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢 <i>[Darrell] He's been Dinoco's golden boyfor years!</i> 他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童 <i>Can he win them one last Piston Cup?</i> 能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢? <i>[Bob] And, as always, in thesecond place spot we find Chick Hicks.</i> 还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸” 在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二 <i>He's been chasingthat tailfin his entire career.</i> <


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