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英语故事 只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针 只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针 中文只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针这是个关于中国唐代大诗人李白的传说。 李白小的时候非常调皮,不喜欢读书。 一天他在河边玩耍的 时候看见一位老妇人拿着一根铁棒在大石头上磨。 李白非常好奇,问那个老妇人: “你在干什么呀,老奶奶?” 老妇人边磨边说:“在磨铁棒。” “磨这个干什么用啊?” 李白又问。 “做一根绣花针。” 老妇人回答。 “什么?!” 小李白听糊涂了。“你想把这么粗的铁棒磨成绣花针?!可是这要花好多年啊! ” “这没有关系?只要我坚持下去, 世上没有办不到的事, 我一定能把铁棒磨成针的。 ” 老妇人的话深深打动了李白。 从此,他认真刻苦地学习, 最终成为了一名伟大的诗人。 只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针 英文 great deal of effort, you can needle-Perseverance spells success  So long as you have put a grind an iron rod into  a This legend is about Li Bai (l  ǐba í李白 ), a great poet in Tang Dynasty (t áng ch áo 唐代 ). Li Bai was naughty and disliked study when he was a child. One day he saw an old  woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone when he was playing by a river. Driven by curiosity, Li Bai came up and asked, “What are you doing, granny? ” “Grinding an iron rod, ” said the old women without stopping grinding. “Then what for? ” he asked again. “To make a sewing needle, ” was the answer. “What?!”  little  Li  Bai was puzzled,  “you want to grind so big a rod into a needle?  !It will take many years.  ” so,  “This doesn ’t matter. As long as there is nothing you cannot achieve  in  I persevere in doing the world. Certainly I can make a needle from the rod. ” Deeply moved by what the old woman said, Li Bai took effort to study since then and finally became one of the greatest poets in China.


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