第二章 概要写作Summarizing main idea.pdf

第二章 概要写作Summarizing main idea.pdf

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Summary Writing Summarizing the Main Idea What Is a Summary? *  A summary is a short or condensed version of the original writing. *  It can a brief restatement of the essential thought or a short paragraph or passage of the main points of a longer piece of writing. *  It presents the theme or essence of the original with as few words as possible. Purpose of Writing a Summary *  For readers: --To make large amounts of material more manageable, for example, when taking notes, studying for a test, or collecting information for a report. --To helps organize one’s thoughts and plan your writing. *  For writers: --To give readers a condensed or shorter version of a text, such as a paragraph, an essay or a book. Uses of Summaries *  In business and academic settings: to grasp a great deal of material very quickly; the summaries must be accurate as well as brief. *  Handy study tools for students: when reviewing and remembering the material; help with one’s exam. *  Improving your reading: able to summarize the material assigned to be read for most courses. *  The ability to write an effective summary might be the most important skill a student, esp. a graduate student should possess. Process of Writing a Summary *  When writing a summary, try to answer these questions: 1. What is the subject of the original? What problem or situation is the writer addressing? 2. What are the main points of the original? The summary may or may not stick to the same order as the original. Normally summaries will cover the most important points first. 3. What conclusions does the original reach? Steps in Summary Writing 1.  Read through the entire text for complete understanding: to get its point, usually from the first one or two sentences, and its concluding sente


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