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The law considers a trademark to be a form of property 法律认为商标是一种财产形式 Therefore, proprietary rights in relation to a trademark may be established through actual use in the marketplace 因此 商标的所有权可以通过在市场实际使用 or through registration of the mark with the trademarks office (or trademarks registry) of a particular jurisdiction 或者通过商标在某法系的商标办公室的注册 Due to different IP laws in different jurisdictions, in cases of dispute 由于不同法系的知识产权法不同在争议发生时 this disparity of rights is often referred to as first to file as opposed to first to use 权利的不一致通常遵循在先注册原则 To be capable of registration, a trade mark must be original 要使注册成为可能,商标必须相对同类 and sufficiently distinctive from any other marks for the same or similar goods or services 或相似产品具有先创设并且足够显著性 The mark must be specific to the goods or services to 商标必须特定于某一商品或服务 which it is to apply and must be misleading or contrary to law or morality 商标不能误导或者违反道德 Here is another case with Apple as the plaintiff 下面这个案件中苹果作为原告 suing a Chinese Company for trademark “ipad”. Let’s watch the video 起诉中国公司侵犯其商标 ipad Proview registered trademarks for the IPAD name Proview 于 2000 年-2004 年间 in the EU, China, Mexico, South Korea, Singapore 在欧盟 中国 墨西哥 韩国 新加坡 Indonesia,Thailand and Vietnam between 2000 and 2004, trademark databases show 印度尼西亚 泰国和越南注册了 IPAD 这个商标 According to Mr Yang, Proview Electronics (Taiwan) agreed 根据 Mr. Yang, Proview Electornics 协议 in 2006 to sell the “global trademark” for the IPAD name 在 20006 年以£35,000 ($55,104)的价格出售全球 IPAD 商标 to a US-registered company called IP Application Development (IPAD) for £35,000 ($55,104) 给美国的 IP Application Development (IPAD) Proview did not at the time suspect the company had any link with Apple 在那时并没有怀疑此公司与苹果有任何联系 However, Mr Yang claims that the trademarks for the Chinese market 但是 Mr Yang 声明中国市场中的商标 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076英语四六级考证资料 were not included in that agreement 没有包含在该协议中 These were filed in 2000 by Proview Technolog


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