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启利教育 C 专业的雅思听力口语写作外教课程 P1 Celebrity 雅思口语答案 5-8 月 2018 年 明星现在的解释是有名的演艺人员和运动员。小编从小就开始追星:比如周 星驰、刘德华、孙燕姿和齐达内。咳咳,不小心暴露自己的年龄。总之学员 多看看高分的素材,积累核心的词汇,短语,表达和更好的素材,然后在专 业外教老师帮助下形成自己的素材和答案,加上模拟,最后流利和有效地输 出自己所积累的,会很快掌握雅思口语各个部分的题目,也会取得满意的分 数。下面是启利教育雅思高分老师和英国雅思著名老师原创的素材。全套雅 思口语素材请登录启利教育网站查看,也可联系网站客服安排雅思口语外教 模拟体验。 1. Who is your favorite celebrity in China? Band 6 answer: I am zealous fan of JackieChansincethen. He is a martial artist, actor, film director, producer, stuntman , and singer and hasappeared in over 150 films. Suggestedvocabulary : 1. Zealous- enthusiastic and eager 1 / 6 启利教育 C 专业的雅思听力口语写作外教课程 2. Stuntman - a man who performs stunts, especially instead of an actor in a film or television program Band 7 answer: Well, I like FanBingBing.Sheis nothing but gorgeous. It may be discernible that she hasgone under the knife to enhance her beauty, but there are many celebrities in this world had the same, so I don ’tsee any problem about it at all. I watched her play at 'Empressof China' and 'The White Haired with of Lunar Kingdom', for me she looks really amazing! Suggestedvocabulary: 1. Gorgeous - very beautiful and attractive 2. Gone under the knife- undergone a medical operation specifically a plastic surgery 3. Discernible - able to be seen, recognized,or understood 2. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future? Band 6 answer: Yes,I would like to be in the entertainment industry specifically in music industry becauseI ’dlike to inspire people. As a musician, it feels like I need to spread positive vibes and touch the lives of people. Suggestedvocabulary: 1. Entertainment industry - used to describe the massmedia companies that control the distribution and manufacture of massmedia entertainment. It is also commonly known assh



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