专业实践课程 6.2.3 说课PPT 说课PPT—陈柳.pptx

专业实践课程 6.2.3 说课PPT 说课PPT—陈柳.pptx

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Unit 9 How much is it?(Part BC)说课PPT主讲:陈柳班级:17级应用英语(英语教育方向)3班指导老师:陈海燕教学内容?说课内容学情分析教学目标教学方法教材分析0501030602教学重难点教学流程04教材分析 本设计选题为湖南少年儿童出版社《英语》教材四年级下册Unit 9 How much is it?(Part BC),本单元主要内容是学习如何用英语购物, B、C部分要求掌握与文具、玩具用品相关的单词,以及能运用句型向他人表达自己购物时的需求并询问物品价格。学情分析本单元的授课对象是四年级的学生,他们在三年级和四年级上册已经初步掌握了一些有关文具、玩具用品和数字的词汇,以及句型Here you are. 本单元的话题是购物,而学生一般都具有一些实际的购物经验。因此本单元的教学活动主要围绕购物情景展开,通过游戏、小组活动和角色扮演的形式,帮助学生理解并掌握本单元的单词和句型,提高他们的口语表达能力。教学目标【知识目标】1.理解并认读新单词: knife, brush, notebook, ball, toy car, crayon.2.运用句型 “I want a …, please.” , “How much is it?”, “It’s … yuan.”【能力目标】能灵活运用句型简单地向别人描述自己的需求,并询问价格。【情感目标】养成礼貌购物,不乱花钱的好习惯。教学重难点教学重点 1.掌握新单词: knife, brush, ball, notebook, toy car, crayon. 2.在语境中灵活地运用句型表达自己的需求并询问价格: I want a …, please. How much is it? It’s … yuan. 教学难点 1. “crayon”的读音 2.听、读表示物品价格的数字。教学方法01情境教学法交际教学法0203任务型教学Teaching procedures1. Warming up2. Presentation and practice of new words 3. Presentation and practice of new sentence structures4. Production 5. Summary 6. Homework StepⅠ Warming up1. Greeting2. Grouping.3. Review numbers.4. Leading in.Set a situation: shopping in stationery storeStep Ⅱ Presentation and practice of new wordsNew words: knife, brush, notebook, ball, crayon, toy car. Use pictures to introduce the new words. Teach the pronunciation and explain the meanings. Practice: ① read the words after T in rising-falling intonation. ② game 1: Where is the word? game 2: Drive a train. ③ read and matchSummarize the competition mechanism.Step Ⅲ Presentation and practice of new sentence structuresUse PPT to present the sentence structures.Explain the sentence structures. (1) I want a/an +单数名词, please. 用于顾客表达自己的需求,“我想要……”。 (2) How much is/are …? 用于询问物品的价格:“……多少钱”。 (3) It’s …yuan. 用于回复物品的价格:“……元”。Step Ⅲ Presentation and practice of new sentence structures3. Practice: (1) Ss read the new structures after T. (2) Ask Ss role play Part C in pairs. (3) Situation Communication. 当你想告诉别人“我想要一辆玩具车”,怎么说_____. A. I want a toy car. B. I want a crayon. “给你”英语怎么


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