外研版(2019)必修三 Unit 4 Amazing art Writing about an artwork课件(共22张PPT).pptVIP

外研版(2019)必修三 Unit 4 Amazing art Writing about an artwork课件(共22张PPT).ppt

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Unit 4 Amazing art Writing about an artwork 如何描写一件艺术作品 【范例点评】 Sunflower Sunflower was an oil painting by Vincent Van Gogh. It was completed in Arles in 1889 and was one of his most famous flower paintings. The painting, which was painted mostly in three shades of yellow, shows the flowers in a vase. Since the colours of the flowers range from bright yellow to brownish yellow, it can show the flowers’ life at different stages. The flower paintings are of great importance for Van Gogh. He was fond of his sunflower paintings so much that he hung the first two in his house to welcome his friend Paul Gauguin, another famous painter. How meaningful the flower paintings are! 【布局】 【文体解读】 1. 话题特点   对艺术作品的描写, 来源于我们对某一件艺术作品的观察及了解, 需用真实灵动的语言将其创作背景、特点及意义表达出来。 2. 话题词汇 (1)famous    著名的 (2)show 表达, 表现 (3)describe 描述 (4)one of the most important. . . 最重要的……之一 (5)to one’s surprise    令某人惊讶的是…… (6)It is said that. . .      据说…… (7)be good at/do well in. . .   在……方面擅长 3. 话题句式(试着替换黑体部分, 变成你需要 表达的意思) (1)作品特点: ①The painting is known for its accurate images of people and scenery. 这幅画以精准的人物和风景形象而出名。 ②The painting describes the traditional Spring Festival scenery. 这幅画描述了传统春节的场景。 ③The sculptor is good at/ does well in an elephant sculpture. 这位雕塑家擅长大象雕塑。 ④The masterpiece shows that people lived a hard life in ancient times. 这部杰作表现了人们在远古时代过着艰难的生活。 (2)作品价值 ①Seal cutting is one of the most important creations in the history of China. 篆刻是中国历史上最重要的发明之一。 ②To our surprise, his work has won the first prize in the competition. 令我们惊讶的是, 他的作品在比赛中获得一等奖。 ③It is reported that his most famous painting was kept in the National Museum. 据报道, 他最有名的画作被保存在国家博物馆。 ④There is no doubt that the masterpiece plays an important role in the development of sculpture. 毫无疑问, 这部杰出的作品在雕塑发展史上起着重要 的作用。 【迁移训练】   《清明上河图》是中国十大传世名画之一, 是北宋画 家张择端的一幅风俗画, 请根据下列提示写一篇80字左右 的文章。 1. 北宋画家张择端的存世精品, 高24. 8厘米, 长528. 7厘米。 2. 描绘了清明时节各阶层人民的生活状况。 3. 画中有800多位人物, 令人惊叹。 【遣词】 1. 清明上河图 ___________________


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