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某某公司底层员工薪酬激励研究 摘 要 在当前市场竞争中,人才竞争已经成为了竞争的主要方式,企业只有找到合适的人才,就找到了推动企业发展的强大力量。作为企业的主要力量,优秀营销人才一直是人才市场稀缺资源,这种人才能够有效推进企业的发展,并且能很好的落实企业制定的计划。对于企业而言,构建适合的薪酬体系,有效激励员工,并引导员工帮助企业实现更好的发展成为每个企业管理层需要思考的问题。本文就对员工薪酬激励进行分析,并以西安泽源印刷有限公司为例,来谈论西安泽源印刷有限公司底层员工薪资激励中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出改进策略。通过对西安泽源印刷有限公司销售员工薪酬激励的完善,旨在对我国相同企业的营销薪酬激励的有一定启示作用。 关键词: 西安泽源印刷有限公司 薪酬 激励 绩效考核 The research on the incentive mechanism of the bottom staff of Xian Ze yuan Printing Co., Ltd. Abstract In the current market competition, talent competition has become the main way of competition, the enterprise only to find the right talent, to find a powerful force to promote the development of enterprises. As the main force of the enterprise, excellent marketing talent has been the scarce resources of the talent market, this talent can effectively promote the development of enterprises, and can be a good implementation of the enterprise plan. For the enterprise, it is necessary for the enterprise management to build a suitable salary system, motivate the staff effectively, and guide the staff to help the enterprise to achieve better development. This article carries on the analysis of salary incentive, and taking Xian Ze source Printing Co. Ltd. as an example, to talk about the existence of low-level employees salary incentive in Xian zeyyuan Printing Co. Ltd., and puts forward the strategies to solve these problems. Through the improvement of the sales staffs salary incentive of Xian Ze yuan Printing Co., Ltd, the author aims to give some inspiration to the marketing incentive of the same enterprises in our country. Key words: Xian Ze yuan Printing Co., Ltd. salary incentive performance appraisal 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究意义 1 1.3国内外研究现状 2 1.4研究方法 2 1.5研究的主要思路和内容 3 2 相关理论分析 3 2.1薪酬的内涵 3 2.2 激励的内涵 3 2.3薪酬激励的作用和意义 3 2.3.1激发和保持团队工作热情和活力 3 2.3.2让每个人发挥最大效能 4 2.3.3实现企业和个人的共赢 4 3 西安泽源印刷有限公司底层员工薪酬激励现状及存在的问题 4 3.1调查过程 4 3.2调查人员的基本特征分析 5 3.3西安西安泽源印刷有限公司底层员


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