必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 课时作业 高效提能.docVIP

必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 课时作业 高效提能.doc

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单独成册:对应学生用书第230页 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Ten years ago,I set out to examine luck.I wanted to know why some people were always in the right place at the right time,while others consistently experienced ill fortune.I placed advertisements in national newspapers asking for people who felt consistently lucky or unlucky. Hundreds of extraordinary men and women volunteered for my research.Over the years I have interviewed them,monitored their lives and had them take part in various experiments. In one of the experiments,I gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper,asking them to look through it and tell me how many photographs were inside.I had secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper,saying,“Tell the experimenter you have seen this and you will win $50.” This message took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than two inches high.It was staring everyone in the face,but the unlucky people tended to miss it and the lucky people tended to spot it. Unlucky people are generally more nervous than lucky people,and this anxiety affects their ability to notice the unexpected.As a result,they miss opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else.They go to gatherings concentrating on finding their perfect partners and miss opportunities to make good friends.They look through newspapers determined to find certain types of job advertisements and miss other types of jobs. Lucky people are more relaxed and open,and therefore see what is there rather than just what they are looking for.My research eventually showed that lucky people are skilled at noticing opportunities,make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition(直觉),are open to new experiences,and adopt a never-say-die attitude that transforms bad luck into good luck. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。为什么有的人一直很幸运而有的人却一直走霉运呢?作者通过研究发现,捕捉机遇的能力决定了一个人幸运与否。 1.Whats the purpose of the authors research? A.To discover what luck means to people. B.To find lucky people and unlucky people. C.To dis


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