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古琴 Chinese Guqin 章 章 As one of four art forms (文人四友)in ancient China ,guqin is a kind of plucked string instrument which is also known as yaoqin,yuqin and qixianqin. 中国古代四大艺术“琴棋书画”的“琴”特指古琴,亦称瑶琴、玉琴、七弦琴。 壹 章 According to the Chinese history book “Shih Chi”(史记),qin appeared no later than the Yao and Shun eras(纪元、年代). 据《史记》记载,琴的出现不晚于尧舜时期。 壹 章 In order to distinguish(区别) it from similar musical instruments of the West, it was called guqin. The guqin’s design imitates(模仿) the shape of a phoenix(凤凰). 为了区分它与西方的类似乐器,它被称为古琴。古琴依凤之身形而制并命名各部位。 壹 章 章 This naming method reflects Confucius’(孔子) thoughts on music and the ideology(思想) of harmony(和谐) that Chinese people value. 这种命名方法反映了孔子的音乐思想和中国人民的和谐思想。 章 章 According to the different modelling can be classified : Jiao Ye Shi,Luo Xia Shi, Lian Zhu Shi,Lu Qi Shi ,Lu Wang Shi and so on. classification 根据不同的造型可以分为:蕉叶式、落霞式、连珠式、绿绮式、潞王式等。 三 章 Jiao Ye Shi Luo Xia Shi Lian Zhu Shi 三 章 Lu Qi Shi Luo Xia Shi Luo Wang Shi Guqin and Ancient scholars In imperial China,a well educated scholar was expected to be skilled in four arts:Qin(the guqin),Qi(the game of Go), Shu(calligraphy) and hua(painting). 标题 Shi wu gu bu che qin se. 士无故不撤琴瑟。 在中国帝国,一个受过良好教育的学者被期望精通四门艺术:琴、棋、书 和画。 Guqin playing and notation(记谱法) 贰 章 《平沙落雁》ping sha luo yan (wild Geese Landing on the Sands) Wild geese are the symbol for spirit. It is said that Tang Dynasty poet Chen Zi’ang composed this song. It represents the cultivation state of vigor,vitality ,and freedom. 《春江花月夜》chun jiang hua yue ye -Moonlight over Spring River 雁是精神的象征。据说唐代诗人陈子昂谱写了这首歌。它代表着活力、活力和自由的状态。 章 《酒狂》Jiu Kuang “Drunken Ecstasy” This piece is is 800 years old.Ruan Ji, one of the “Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove”, Was out of step with the society of his time.He retreated from it and found solace in wine. 《关山月》Guan Shan Yue –Moon Over the Mountain Pass 《阳关三叠》Yang Guan San Die-Three Variations On the Yangguan Theme 这幅作品距今已有800年历史,竹林七贤士中的阮籍与当时的社会格格不入,他隐居起来,在酒中找到慰藉。 贰 章 《梅花三弄》Meihua San Nong -Three Variations t


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