联想奥运体验馆 Leno.ppt

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Sound Bites Hanging speakers enable you to listen to the sound bites of athletes in action. You can listen to audio clips of diver Guo Jingjing’s perfect water entry, hurdler Liu Xiang’s controlled breathing as he trains, mountaineer Yang Chunfeng’s labored breathing as he scales yet another summit. Interspersed among these is the quiet humming of Lenovo laptop/desktop fan. This gives an aural comparison of the low noise pollution of Lenovo technology. 参观者戴上耳机将可听到运动员们在运动中的声音, 例如郭晶晶高台跳水落水时的声音,刘翔跨栏比赛奔跑中的声音,登山运动员杨春峰攀登另一个世界高峰时的声音等等.联想笔记本风扇的声音也会隐于其中,在这种声音的对比中显示联想产品低噪音、环保的特质 XTreme! Lateral Thinking This wall allows you to know about snippets of key information that have been obscured through time or data overload. Lenovo tablet PCs line this wall with questions appearing on the screen. As you rotate the screen 90 degrees, the Active Rotate technology will be activated and will automatically orientate the screen so that the answer will appear in the right orientation. Sample QA are “When did China win its first Olympic gold (Visual: Gold medal)”, “When did Lenovo develop the Chinese reading card? (Visual: Card reader)” 参观者在这里将了解到奥运和联想历史上一些意义深远的时刻。 联想平板电脑上先呈现问题,来宾可以随意旋转显示屏,不管如何旋转,屏幕画面始终保持跟来宾的视线水平,但在新的角度会自动出现相关问题的答案。 XTreme! More than Meets the Eye This space will be a wall of questions from afar. As you move closer to the questions, invisible sensors will be triggered and the questions will fade out and replaced with the answers. This interaction will create a wall of constant information that will attract others. 宽广的墙面布满联想与奥运的问题,当参观者走近墙面时,无形的感应器被触动,答案会慢慢淡出替代问题。这面充满大量信息的创意互动墙会吸引参观者驻足观望,好奇心会带动着他们的脚步在不自主中参加到游戏中来。 XTreme! A culmination of your experience through Lenovo XSite! where visitors can leave their mark and take a piece of this experience home. XSite!所有体验的集大成处。这里,参观者留下自己的印迹并将属于自己的独特记录带走。 XPerience! Walk in the Clouds This tunnel brings you aboard a spectacular experiential journey, a visual, audio and emotional treat that will etch itself in your memory. Sensory hol


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