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语篇分析和阅读教学;问题:你们是如何教阅读的?;阅读教学的一些弊病;;What is “discourse”?;;;;;;;;小学英语课程目标;阅读的三种模式;1. The Bottom-Up Model 自下而上的模式;;Sentence Phrase Word Morpheme Phoneme; 自下而上的模式对阅读教学的影响 ;2. The Top-Down Model 自上而下的模式 ;;Sentence Phrase Word Morpheme Phoneme;自上而下的模式对阅读教学的影响;3. The Interactive Model 交互模式;;;案例分析:七上Unit 9;;阅读教学的一般模式;;;1. 读前活动设计 读前活动设计的目的 ---兴趣准备 ---心理准备 --- 背景知识准备 ---词语准备 (短小精彩,像凤头) ;;【案例】八下 Unit 9 Have You Ever Been to an Amusement Park? ---对教学目标的综合分析 教学目标应定位在训练学生谈论是否去过某地的语言表达能力。 听力材料中提到的包括amusement park 在内的五个地名及相关信息应该是导入部分的重点内容。 ---对学生整体情况的分析 要分析与确定教材主题内容、语言知识内容和技能要求与学生现有认知水平之间的差距。如何消除这个差距是以及可教学设计要解决的问题。 ; Have You Ever Been to Singapore? T/F Singapore is a big country in Europe. The population of Singapore is larger than that of Beijing. The capital of Singapore is Singapore. Singapore is one of the Four Tigers in Asia, and the other three are Japan, Korea and Taiwan. ; Which city was once the capital city of the Qing Dynasty? A. Beijing B. Suzhou C. Xi’an D. Kaifeng (小组竞赛调动了学生参与学习活动的积极性; 答题过程中适时引入新单词,为后面的阅读扫清了词汇障碍 );分享经历式导入 Unit 2 Maybe You Should Learn to Relax T: I know most of you are very busy having different lessons on the weekends. How do you find these lessons? Do you want to take them,or do your parents want you to? Please share with your parnters. (同伴交流周末补课的经历和感受,并在教师的指导下与全班分享) ; 评析: ---分享的方式激发学生用英语表达的欲望。也能培养学生运用语言有效沟通的能力 ;预测式导入 Unit 7 Would You Mind Keeping Your Voice Down? --利用插图 (温州实验小学夏恩力:??式服务于内容) T:Look at the picture in the book. WHere are these people? (On the bus). What are they doing? (Spitting, talking loudly, littering, etc.) (引出新词) Are these polite behaviors? ( Of course not) ;--利用标题 T: What can you say to stop them from behaving like this? Please list as many ways as possible.(复习已学知识) Possible answers: Would you please not… Please don’t … You mustn’t… Could you please not … T:We can also say “Would you mind not doing…”, which seems more polite.


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