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TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 1 关键词 1 英文摘要 1 英文关键词 1 1 引言 2 1.1 选题背景 2 1.2 实现功能 2 1.3 技术路线 2 2 方案选择 3 2.1 系统总体方案的选择 3 2.3 系统框图 3 3 硬件电路设计 4 3.1 主控模块 4 3.1.1 单片机芯片 4 3.1.2 复位电路 5 3.1.3 时钟电路 6 3.1.4 系统按键电路 7 3.2 光信息采集及A/D转换模块 8 3.2.1 光电转换电路 8 3.2.2 A/D转换电路 9 3.3 LED亮度调节模块 11 3.4 电源模块 12 4 软件设计 13 4.1 系统程序开发软件简介 13 4.2 系统总流程图 14 4.3 光强判断流程图 15 5 系统调试 16 5.1 调试 16 5.1.1 硬件调试 16 5.1.2 软件调试 16 5.1.3 整体调试 16 5.1.4 操作指南 17 6 结束语 17 6.1 总结 17 6.2 体会 17 参考文献 18 附录 19 LED亮度自动调节系统设计 摘要:当今世界,环境的污染、能源的紧缺唤醒了世界各国人民的节能减排意识,肩负着环保、节能减排的希望及使命的节能灯应运而生并逐渐被社会认可和接收。LED被称为第四代照明光源或绿色光源,LED的发光器件是冷光源,具有节能、环保、寿命长、体积小等特点,是未来照明节能发展的方向。本文设计了一种以 STC89C52单片机为核心的亮度自动调光系统,通过光敏传感器感知外界光强,单片机系统根据采集的数据控制LED的通断,达到调节光源发光亮度的目的,本系统还增加了手动控制功能增强了系统控制的灵活性。本系统具有自动,节能,结构简单,成本低,工作稳定可靠等特点,在日常生活中具有一定的实际应用价值。 关键词:单片机;A/D 转换;光敏电阻;LED The system design of automatic regulating LED brightness Abstract: In todays world, pollution, shortage of energy environment awakened people all over the world awareness of energy conservation and emission reduction, energy-saving lamps and shouldering the mission to environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction of emerge as the times require and gradually recognized and received.LED is called the fourth generation lighting source or a green light, the light emitting device LED is a cold light source, has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, long life, small volume and so on, is the future direction of development of energy-saving lighting.This paper designed an automatic dimming system of a STC89C52 microcontroller as the core to the brightness, the photosensitive sensor sensing external light intensity, SCM system based on data acquisition control LED open, to adjust the brightness of the light source,and the system also increases the manual control function to enhance the flexibility of system control.The sys


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