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前言 Introduction 在京津新城凯悦酒店,我们非常重视我们的客人,我们的使命是提供值得信赖的盛情款待。创造一种与我们接触后的不同 感受,这是我们对盛情款待的定义。 At Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort and Spa, we highly value our loyal customer. Our Mission is providing authentic hospitality. Making a difference in the lives of those we touch, that is how we define hospitality . 一个关键的因素是非常专业的为客人服务冻菊花茶可以 避免我们让客人失望 。 An important factor in providing Hyatt Hospitality is we serving iced chrysanthemum tea for our guests accurately is professional to avoid disappointing our guests. 前言 Introduction 这表示我们一定要确保专业地为客人服务冻菊花茶。 That means that we must ensure that we serving iced chrysanthemum tea for our guests accurately very professionally. 目标 Objective 到此课程结束时,我们的目标是要确保你学会 “如何制作冻菊花茶”, 并按照酒店标准实践。 By the end of this Session, our Objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to Serving Iced Chrysanthemum Tea ” with Confidence, and according to our defined Standards. 有问题吗? Any Questions? 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们需要哪些器具? What equipment do we need? 冰镇的煮好的菊花茶 Chilled and boiled chrysanthemum tea 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们需要哪些器具? (续) What equipment do we need?(Cont’d) 一个干净的冰茶杯 A clean iced tea glass 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们需要哪些器具? (续) What equipment do we need?(Cont’d) 搅棒 Stirrer 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们需要哪些器具? (续) What equipment do we need?(Cont’d) 冰块 Ice cubes 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们应该确保什么? What do we need to ensure? 菊花茶是新鲜的冰镇的 Chrysanthemum tea is freshly boiled then chilled 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们应该确保什么?(续) What do we need to ensure? (Cont’d) 冰茶杯干净且光亮 Iced tea glass is clean and polished and free from chips 1. 准备器具 Preparing Equipment 我们应该确保什么?(续) What do we need to ensure?(Cont’d) 搅棒干净且完好无损 Stirrer is clean and in good condition 2. 制作工序 Procedure 如何制作菊花茶? How to make the chrysanthemum tea? 将杯中放入八分满冰块 Fill ice cubes into the glass until 80% full 2. 制作工序 Procedure 如何制作菊花茶?(续) How to make the chrysanthemum tea? (Cont’d) 向杯中注入八分满的菊花茶 Fill the glass with chrysan


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