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社会融合与信息时代公共图书馆的场所价值 周吉 华东师范大学信息学系 1 信息时代的现实矛盾 公共交往空间的缩减 接触和沟通的局限 少数群体的社会不平等感 主流群体对少数群体的紧张感 社会隔离和分化的出现 1 Realities of the Information Age Reduction of public space Limitations of contact and communication Sense of social inequality of minorities Tension between Mainstream groups and minority groups The emergence of social isolation 2 隔离的产生 不能经常使用社区的公用设施 公共事务参与程度低 家庭中和家庭外的闲暇活动机会少 以及弱社会网络导致的孤独 2 Social Isolation Low use of public facilities Low level of participation in public affairs Less access to family and leisure activities Loneliness caused by the weak social network 隔离的本质—权利的不均匀分配 社会身份的不平等 社会活动的群分 微弱的信息流通和本地联系 Andreas Varheim, Sven Steinmo,Eisaku Ide. Do libraries matter? Public library and the creation of social capital[J/OL]. Journal of Documentation.2008, 64(6):877-892. Thomas Pettigrew. Intergroup Contact Theory[J/OL]. Annual Review of Psychology, 1998, 49(1): 65 -85. Libraries for All: Social Inclusion in Public Libraries Policy Guidance for Local Authorities in England Department for Culture, Media and Sport( 1999) .uk/reference_library/publications/4726.aspx Ted Cantle. Community Cohesion: A Report of the Independent Review.[2009-01-11]. .uk/docs/community_cohesion.pdf 2 The essence of Isolation - uneven distribution of civil rights Unequal social status Separation of social activities Weak flow of information and local links Andreas Varheim, Sven Steinmo,Eisaku Ide. Do libraries matter? Public library and the creation of social capital[J/OL]. Journal of Documentation.2008, 64(6):877-892. Thomas Pettigrew. Intergroup Contact Theory[J/OL]. Annual Review of Psychology, 1998, 49(1): 65 -85. Libraries for All: Social Inclusion in Public Libraries Policy Guidance for Local Authorities in England Department for Culture, Media and Sport( 1999) .uk/reference_library/publications/4726.aspx Ted Cantle. Community Cohesion: A Report of the Independent Review.[2009-01-11]. .uk/docs/community_cohesion.pdf 一个本地的、便捷的、不受威胁的地方 一个可以免费


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