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思维导图在英语阅读中的应用 概念: 思维导图又叫心智图,是表达发射性思维的有效的图形思维工具 ,它简单却又极其有效,是一种革命性的思维工具。思维导图运用图文并重的技巧,把各级主题的关系用相互隶属与相关的层级图表现出来,把主题关键词与图像、颜色等建立记忆链接。思维导图充分运用左右脑的机能,利用记忆、阅读、思维的规律,协助人们在科学与艺术、逻辑与想象之间平衡发展,从而开启人类大脑的无限潜能。思维导图因此具有人类思维的强大功能。 思维导图是一种将放射性思考具体化的方法。我们知道放射性思考是人类大脑的自然思考方式,每一种进入大脑的资料,不论是感觉、记忆或是想法——包括文字、数字、符码、香气、食物、线条、颜色、意象、节奏、音符等,都可以成为一个思考中心,并由此中心向外发散出成千上万的关节点,每一个关节点代表与中心主题的一个连结,而每一个连结又可以成为另一个中心主题,再向外发散出成千上万的关节点,呈现出放射性立体结构,而这些关节的连结可以视为您的记忆,也就是您的个人数据库。 。 思维导图又称脑图、心智地图、脑力激荡图、思维导图、灵感触发图、概念地图、树状图、树枝图或思维地图,是一种图像式思维的工具以及一种利用图像式思考辅助工具。思维导图是使用一个中央关键词或想法引起形象化的构造和分类的想法;它用一个中央关键词或想法以辐射线形连接所有的代表字词、想法、任务或其它关联项目的图解方式 Concept: A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole.It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those. Mind maps can be drawn by hand, either as rough notes during a lecture, meeting or planning session, for example, or as higher quality pictures when more time is available. Mind maps are considered to be a type of spider diagram.A similar concept in the 1970s was idea sun bursting. Origins Although the term mind map was first popularized by British popular psychology author and television personality Tony Buzan, the use of diagrams that visually map information using branching and radial maps traces back centuries. These pictorial methods record knowledge and model systems, and have a long history in learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking, and problem solving by educators, engineers, psychologists, and others. Some of the earliest examples of such graphical records were developed by Porphyry of Tyros, a noted thinker of the 3rd century, as he graphically visualized the concept categories of Aristotle. Philosopher Ramon Llull (1235–1315) also us


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