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CUSTOMER;TABLE OF CONTENTS; YESTERDAY Segregated by channel Disconnected from business Treated as a cost center Subpar consumer experience; $338.5B Theamountbad customer service costsmajor countries aroundthe world annually SOURCE: GENESYS GLOBALSURVEY;Zendesk’s Customer Satisfaction Index delivers a periodic measure of customer satisfaction by collecting data from more than 15,000 companies serving 65 million consumers across 137 countries.;This global Customer Satisfaction Index is the result of a simple question asked to millions of customers at the end of a service interaction: “How would you rate the service you received?”;CUSTOMER SATISFACTION BY INDUSTRY; REAL ESTATE AND IT CONSULTING/SERVICES RATED HIGHEST IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF ANY INDUSTRY;GLOBAL 86% CUSTOMER;Yet once these companies reach a certain scale—over 10 employees—service suffers. It’s not until companies reach scale (500 employees) and have mature processes and structures that they recover their customer service levels.;GLOBAL 86% CUSTOMER;Support sites that service consumers score the lowest of any audience. And many consumer-facing support sites score well below 75 percent.;Internal help desks (think of your IT team that handles employee requests for software or network help) have higher customer satisfaction ratings than help desks that support either consumers or other businesses.;93;THE LEADERS AND LAGGARDS CUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION BY COUNTRY*;SO WHAT DRIVES;Bigger companies that efficiently deliver high-quality support at a large scale have the most satisfied customers.;CUSTOMER SATISFACTION;SIZE MATTERS Each ticket constitutes a customer interaction, making it a good measure of the frequency and scale of your customer touches. Customers increasingly serve themselves via the web through well-crafted online forums, FAQs and knowledge bases. On average, Zendesk-powered help desks handle more than 600 tickets per month, and drive more than 2,600 page views to their online forums


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