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大数据时代广告代理行业的转型策略——基于竞争环境和受众的变化 Transformation Strategy of Advertising Agency in Big Data Era: Based on Changes of Competitive Environment and Target Audiences 作者 Author _ 李正良 Li Zhengliang 王君予 Wang Junyu | 摘   要 | 大数据技术深刻影响着这个时代的营销传播方式,数据获取、数据挖掘和数据整合成为新的竞争能力。基于迈克 尔 · 波特的竞争环境视角可发现,大数据技术使广告代理行业陷入到恶劣的竞争环境中。与此同时,大数据时代 受众的媒介使用习惯、消费决策方式以及呈现形态上的变革又为广告代理行业创造了转型机遇。通过在资本运作、 人力资源和商业模式三方面采取转型措施,广告代理行业可转型成既拥有数据分析能力又懂得受众信息触点覆盖, 更善于大规模群体互动的新型营销传播服务组织,从而获得充足的竞争优势。 | 关 键 词 | 大数据 广告代理行业 转型策略 竞争能力 | ABSTRACT | Big data technology has a profound impact on marketing communication in this era. Data acquisition, data mining and data integration have become the new competitive abilities. From the perspective of Michael Porter's competitive environment, big data technology has plunged the advertising agency industry into a hostile competitive environment. Meanwhile, audiences' media habit, consumption decision-making process and existing form change in Big Data era. It brings the opportunity for advertising agency industry to upgrade. By taking transformative measures in capital operation, human resources and business model respectively, advertising agency industry can become a new kind of marketing communication service organization which has the ability of data analysis, understanding audiences' media usage habit and interacting with a large-scale crowd effectively. With the aforementioned strategies, advertising agency industry will gain sufficient competitive advantages. | KEY WORDS | Big data Advertising agency industry Transformation strategy Competitive ability 基于云计算、物联网和社交网络服务的大数据技 急需解决的问题。 术正在深刻变革着这个时代的营销传播方式。理论上 伴随着目标受众的深度了解、内容制作的有效指导、 大数据带来新竞争能力 媒介投放的精准



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