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“爱好”文具网 摘 要 在“互联网+”的经济飞速发展中,传统商业模式纷纷加入互联网因素,适应新时代的发展浪潮,推动自身经济发展的同时帮助更多的小中型企业提高经济价值。如今的覆盖面积广、高利用率的互联网络,促使人们生活炫彩靓丽。足不出户即可享受互联网经济下所有便利。无论学习还是办公,都缺少不了文具,并且人们更是最求文具质量。”爱好”文具网主要用于文具销售, 互联网的覆盖面积越来越广泛,使得互联网的利用率越来越高,人们的生活也变得多姿多彩。以前人们购买生活物品都要走出家门,随着信息化和网络化的高速发展,开启了电子商务时代,人们只需要在家通过网络就能买到自己需要的商品,所以开发了此网上销售系统。该系统主要针对用户和商家在双方进行买卖交易的时候拥有一个好的平台,让用户有一个完美的购物体验,”爱好”文具网将要突破了原有的网购模式,专门的文具特卖网站,让更多的文具种类被大家所认识,人们不再局限于实体店的购买。 利用VS2010作为开发平台的工具,采用ASP.NET作为编程语言和SQLSever2008关系数据库为后台数据库进行系统开发团队在各个厂商、以及当下的主流技术当中利用VS2010找到了一种均衡,无论是Maven、Spring、Rest,或者在单一堆栈下的统一开发,都可以获得想要的支持。 关键词:网上销售系统 数据库 VS2010 Abstract The coverage of the Internet is more and more widely, making the utilization of the Internet is more and more high, people's life becomes colorful.Before people buy life things should be out of their homes, with the high-speed development of informatization and networking, opens the e-commerce era, people only need at home through the Internet could buy you need goods, so the online sales system is developed.The system is mainly for users and businesses on both sides of a transaction with a good platform, let users have a perfect shopping experience, the online stationery sales system will break through the original online mode, special website, stationery sales let more stationery types are known, we people are no longer limited to a physical store to buy. Using VS2010 as a development platform of the tool, using ASP.NET as a programming language and SQLSever2008 relational database as a background database for system development team in each vendor, and the current mainstream technology of the use of VS2010 found a balanced, whether Maven, Spring, Rest, or under a single stack of unified development, can get want to support. Key words: online sales system database VS2010 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 3815 第1章 绪论1 12674 1.1 选题背景和意义1 11629 1.1.1 选题背景1 16998 1.1.2 选题意义1 3450 1.2 研究现状及发展动态2 25013 1.3 研究内容及创新点2 2643 第2章 可行性分析4 3962 2.1 系统目标4 30254 2.2 可行性分析4 17933 2.2.1 技术可行性分析4 22


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