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网上拍卖系统的分析与设计 网上拍卖系统的分析与设计 摘 要 由于时代的快速发展,人们的生活节奏越来越快,这就让电子商务行业得到了前所未有的发展前景,越来越多的线下交易慢慢在转变交易方式,网上拍卖网站就是根据时代的背景下开发出来的,目的就是为了给的学生在生活上带来方便。 网上拍卖网站的开发是通过运用SQL Server Management Studio2010和Microsoft Visual Studio 2010的开发环境实现的。在开发网站之前我进行了部分的问卷调查和分析网站的功能模块,在浏览大量比较成熟的网站后,编写了自己功能模块和页面设计等等。 在开发过程中页面的模块分析、设计都有自己独特的想法。网站主要功能模块有:会员登陆和注册、商品查询、商品竞拍、订单查询、用户对留言的管理,管理员的登陆、管理员对商品信息管理、管理员对会员信息的管理、公告信息管理等等。本文详细介绍了系统可行性分析、需求分析、业务流程分析、数据流程分析、系统详细设计等内容。 关键词:ASP.NET B/S 网上拍卖  Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, people increasingly fast pace of life, which makes the electricity supplier industry has been more and more business opportunities, slowly changing line trading transactions, my website is based on the background of the age developed, the purpose is to give students in life bring convenience. The development of colleges and universities in Shijiazhuang idle goods trading network I is using the development environment of SQL Server Management Studio2008 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I realized the function module part of the questionnaire survey and analysis of the website in the development of a web site before the visit a large number of more mature sites, the preparation of its own function module and page design etc.. Analysis of the page in the development process of the module, have their own unique ideas. The main function module design website I have: member login and registration, commodity information, commodity browsing, user management message, the administrator login, the administrator of the commodity information management and the management of member information management, bulletin information management etc.. This paper describes the system feasibility analysis, demand analysis, business process analysis, data flow analysis, detailed design of the system and so on. Key words: ASP.NET B/S Idle goods trading . 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 3815 第1章 绪论1 12674 1.1 选题背景和意义1 11629 1.1.1 选题背景1 16998 1.1.2 选题意义1 3450 1.2 研究现状及发展动态2 25013 1.3 研


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