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DNAstar软件包的使用 第三军医大学微生物学教研室 朱军民 Overview DNASTAR develops and supports the best sequence analysis software for life scientists in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Academic and Government Organizations worldwide. DNASTAR软件包 EditSeq GeneQuest MapDraw MegAlign PrimerSelect Protean SeqMan EditSeq Edit and import sequences and annotations Translate, back-translate and reverse complement sequences Locate ORFs and create annotations Cut/paste sequence with inclusive annotations EditSeq included with all systems GeneQuest Discover and annotate genes Predict coding regions and splice sites Locate repeats, patterns, or areas matching known sequence data Simulate agarose gel electrophoresis MapDraw Locate restriction sites Create six types of linear and circular maps View all six reading frames with sites and features MegAlign Align DNA and protein sequences Perform pairwise, multiple and dotplot alignments Create phylogenetic trees Generate subalignments Customize alignment displays PrimerSelect Design primers or compare your own primers against a sequence template Analyze primers for hairpins and dimers View the consequences of primer mutations Protean Predict protein structures View PAGE simulations Analyze physico-chemical properties Display results graphically SeqMan Assemble sequences Trim poor data and remove vector Manage and order contigs Locate potential SNPs Visualize traces and compare two consensus calls 一、EditSeq EditSeq 是能够迅速、正确地输入,并且修改DNA 或蛋白质序列工具。每个EditSeq 文件都可以分为三个可编辑的部分,上边的一部分为序列文件,中间的一部分里是评论,底部是序列的注释。 Sequence Entry and Export EditSeq 能读取大部分的序列格式——包括FASTA,GenBank,ABI、GCG 和ASCII 格式。你可以使用菜单命令或拖拽方式输入序列文件。另外,序列也许通过使用键盘输入,或者从其他地方复制、粘贴得到。经Entrez 或BLAST 检索得到的序列可以直接从因特网或企业内部互联网服务器下载。 Editing and Analysis 序列被打开后,EditSeq 能使用标准或者指定的遗传密码进行翻译,或者反翻译,寻找开放读框,还可以进行阅读校对。另外,EditSeq能以GenBank,FASTA 和GCG 格式输出序列。 1.打开已有序列 在Windows里打开“tethis21.seq”。 从文件菜单(FILE MENU),选择Open。 打开文件夹单击选定序列“TETHIS21”。 当EditSeq窗口打开时,序列长度显示在右上


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