诺丁山Notting Hill 中英文剧本.doc

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大家论坛影视英语 HYPERLINK "/forum-466-1.html" /forum-466-1.html 诺丁山 Notting Hill 中英文剧本 [ Man ] So stay with us because later this afternoon, 不要离开,因为稍后… we're lucky enough to be talking to Anna Scott, 我们将有幸请到安娜·斯科特… Hollywood's biggest star by far. 好莱坞迄今最红的明星 Miss Scott's latest film is once again topping the charts. 斯科特小姐的新片再次雄居票房榜首 - [ Piano ] - [ Man Continues, Indistinct ] She may be the face I can't forget ∮我无法忘记她的脸∮ A trace of pleasure or regret ∮带着欢乐或悲伤∮ ∮我能为之付出我的所有∮ May be my treasure or the price I have to pay ∮她也许只是个幻影∮ She may be the mirror ∮出现在我梦中∮ Of my dream ∮出现在梦中的笑容∮ A smile reflected in a stream ∮真实的她也许并不那么快乐∮ She may not be what she may seem 主演:茱莉亚·罗伯茨 Inside her shell ∮她在人群中似乎总是很快乐∮ She who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud ∮眼神中带着神秘和骄傲∮ 主演:休·格兰特 No one's allowed to see them when they cry ∮没人能看到她哭泣的样子∮ She may be the love that cannot hope to last ∮也许她并不愿失去爱情∮ <i>诺 丁 山<i/></i> May come to me from shadows of the past ∮如果她走出阴影向我靠近∮ ∮那我至死也不会忘记∮ That I'll remember till the day I die She may be the reason I survive ∮她也许是我活着的理由∮ The why and wherefore I'm alive ∮是我至今还活着的理由∮ The one I'll care for through the rough ∮我时刻准备着扶持她走出困境∮ And ready years Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears ∮我会分享她的欢笑和忧伤∮ And make them all my souvenirs ∮让它们成为我的记忆∮ ∮我愿为她赴汤蹈火∮ For where she goes I've got to be The meaning of my life is ∮我的一生只为她而活∮ She ∮她∮ She ∮她∮ Oh, she ∮哦,她∮ [ Man Narrating ] Of course I've seen her films... 我当然看过她的片子… and always thought she was, well, fabulous. 而且一直认为她很出色 But, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in... 不过她和我的家乡远隔重洋… which is here, Notting Hill, my favorite bit of London. 我住在诺丁山…伦敦我最喜欢的地方 There's the market on weekdays selling every fruit and vegetable known to man. 平时集市上会贩卖各种为人熟知的果蔬 Rock hard bananas, five for a pound! 香蕉,一镑五公斤 The tattoo parlor with a guy outside who got drun


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