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P: Good morning, doctor. D: Good morning, please sit down. What seems to be the matter? P: I think I might have caught a cold. D: How long have you been sick? P: For two days. D: What symptoms do you have? P: I have a runny nose and I ache all over. D: What was the discharge like? P: Watery. D: Is it the same today? P: No, it is yellow and thicker today. D: Do you have a fever? P: I havent taken my temperature yet, but I feel feverish. D: Let me take your temperature. It will take 10 minutes. ... Yes, you do have a fever. Were you exposed to cold temperatures? P: Yes, the day before yesterday when I went to work, the weather was warm so I didnt wear extra clothes. In the evening the temperature dropped down rapidly. On the way home I felt very cold. After arriving home I began to sneeze. When I got out of bed the next morning my nose was stuffy and running. D: Do you have a cough? P: I just started coughing today. D: Do you have phlegm? P: Yes, but not much. D: What color is it? P: Pale yellow. D: Is it easy to cough up? P: Not very. I have to use effort to cough it up. The phlegm is a little sticky. D: Have you been sweating? P: I sweated a little after taking some medicine for fever last night. D: Are you thirsty? P: Yes, I feel like drinking cool water. D: Do you have a sore throat? P: Yes, I do. D: I want to look at your throat. Please open your mouth. D: Do you feel any other discomfort? P: I feel sore everywhere and I feel very tired too. D: Please stick out your tongue and let me have a look. You have a red tongue with thin and yellow coating, which indicates wind and heat in the superficial area. Please put your hand here and let me feel your pulse. ... The pulse is superficial and rapid. P: What does a superficial and rapid pulse mean? D: A superficial pulse means the attack of pathogens to the exterior layer of the body which is called exterior syndrome in T



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