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AbstractWe Abstract We have observed the interrogative sentence system of Gushi. regional variety in this text.Trying to al-lnounce its form of expression, the function of the structure and service condition from the angle of the outside and the inside value. 1.Yes—or-No Question.In Gushi variety,this kind question call divide into:Transmitted query information by the intonation.---The Echo Question;Expressed the query by the modal particle of the query j‘me’’‘yao’’“lao”Question.The former generally relies on the linguistic context very much.To the query,that is produced to the square words.The latter has an obvious tendentiousness to the answer. 2.“ke”Question.At an instinctive feel for the language. “ke”Question corresponds the sentence what pure forms inquked asking and Affirmative—Negative Question.Therefore call it‘‘neural queaion sentence.ke”relate to‘‘aspect’.“ke VP”appear among sentence. “ke”show query order_The all right composition adds asking yet“Ice VP’.‘ke”mix、Ⅳim sentences of Question of Sepecific Reference and Yes-or-No Question,expressing double inquiry meaning. ⑧ ⑧ 硕士学位论文 MAsTER’S T}IESIS 3.Question of Sepecific Reference and Alternative Question.It is very small with the difference of‘‘putonghua’.It is the interrogative pronoun different from‘putonghua”mainly to Question of Sepecifie Reference.The alternative question keeps the sanle with“putonghua’ formally in the structure. We compare Gushi variety and adjacent dialect one“ke”the question sentence express the form.We find out“ke’’forming what affected by neighbouring‘jiang-huai guanhua’.There are two main cause:Closing on the geo—relation,Advantage dialect permeating to weak dialect. 【Keyword 1 Gushi variety,Yes—or-No Question,‘‘ke”Question, Question of Sepecific Reference,Alternative Question ⑧ ⑧ 硕士学位论文 MASTER’S TIIESIS 零引言 0.1固始及固始方言 固始县位于河南省东南部,大别山北麓、淮河以南,属信阳地区。面积2946 平方公里,辖33个乡(镇),固始县东部与安徽霍邱接壤,东南与安徽金寨接 壤。春秋时为蓼国地,现在固始县城也称蓼城。南朝宋置固始县,取“如欲善 其终必先固其始”之义,从而得名“固始”。梁复日蓼县。北魏复日固始。清 属河南光州。历史上几经变迁。[1]据《



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