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·28 · 价值工程 燃气管线穿越公路涉路工程质量和安全技术评价研究 Study on Quality and Safety Technology Evaluation of Gas Pipeline Crossing Highway Project 李昊明LI Hao-ming ;王晓安WANG Xiao-an ;陈瑶 CHEN Yao ; 计斌 JI Bin ;者香 ZHE Xiang (云南省交通科学研究所,昆明650011) (Yunnan Transportation Research Institute ,Kunming 650011 ,China) 摘要: 对公路及其附属设施影响大,稍有不慎便会形成重大安全隐患,给公路运营带来巨 燃气管线穿越公路涉路工程危险性高, 大风险。对燃气管线穿越公路涉路工程质量和安全技术评价进行研究,提出了燃气管线穿越公路涉路工程的设计规范符合性、施工安 全风险、路产路权安全风险及运营阶段的行车安全风险等方面的评价技术,并选择具有代表性的燃气管线穿越公路涉路工程进行了 质量和安全技术评价案例分析,能从根源上减少燃气管线穿越公路涉路工程对路产路权和交通安全造成的影响。最后,希望本文的研 究工作能为大家从事涉路工程质量和安全技术评价的相关工作提供借鉴和帮助。 Abstract: The risk existing in the gas pipeline crossing highway engineering is high, so is its impact on the highway and the affiliated facilities, and a little careless will form a major security risks, to bring huge risks to the road operations. Through the research on engineering quality and safety technology evaluation, this paper proposed some assessment techniques about design specification compliance, risk of construction safety, road concession security risks and traffic safety risk in the operational phase, and chose representative case of gas pipeline crossing the highway to analyze the quality and safety evaluation, which could from the root reduce the impacts on road concession and traffic safety caused by the influence of the gas pipeline crossing highway. Finally, it hopes that this research can provide references and helps for these people whose work refers to the road involved engineering quality and safety evaluation. 关键词: 燃气管线;穿越工程; 质量和安全;评价技术 Key words: gas pipeline ;crossing project ;quality and safety ;evaluation techniques 中图分类号: .12 文献标识码:


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