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西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第1页 摘要 民俗文化旅游是一种高层次的文化旅游,对于身居异域的游客而言,除 了欣赏旅游地的自然风光、文物古迹之外,他们大多抱有认知异域民俗风情 的愿望和好奇心,希望利用一切机会“入乡随俗”,到浓郁的民俗氛围中感受 异域风情.旅游文化是旅游业的灵魂,是旅游地吸引力的源泉。旅游文化开 发是在对旅游目的地的已有旅游资源开发的基础上,对总体旅游文化进行充 分的调查研究,根据旅游主体对客体文化的现实和潜在需求,充分发掘客体 文化的内涵并通过具体的物化产品或动态过程加以外化,同时相应地提升既 有文化的技术和艺术品味,以整合和构建旅游目的地的整体文化形象,从而 将旅游资源的文化优势转化为产品优势、服务优势和经济优势,以增强旅游 目的地的吸引力和辐射力,最终实现旅游地经济效益、社会效益和环境效益 的三增长。 依照上述理论,本文结合九寨沟的自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源的类型 和分布特征,对九寨沟的旅游文化开发进行了现状分析和问题诊断,对九寨 沟旅游文化资源的构成进行了评价和分析,对旅游文化丌发进行了可行性分 析,并对开发的原则和策略进行了探讨,其中在策略上探讨了文化旅游产品 的丌发策略。 关键词: 九寨沟;旅游文化;开发;评价 ”西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 ” 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第fl页 Abstract Study on the further development of tourism culture in Jiuzhaigou tourism culture is the source of the attraction of the tourist destination and the soul of tourism industry. Based oll the present ever completed practice of tourism culture development of destination,the further development is to form and better the overall image of tourist destination in order to change the culture advantages into products advantages,and finally promote the progress of the economy,society and environment.The procedure Oil which the further development depends is:Firstly, study and master the needs of present and potential tourists;Secondly,do careful investigation and research on the whole tourism culture of tourist destination, including the subject culture and the object culture;and"Lastly,dig the connotations of the object culture and let them reflected in both products and a certain active process.The further development of tourism culture is both the inheritance and the extension of the achievement of the past culture development. The further development of tourism culture should follow the following principles: to care both development and inheritance.both culture and economy,both development and protection and it is supposed to be individualistic and comprehensive. According to the above theories,the thesis has done some analysis and diagnosis on the past culture developme


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