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PAGE PAGE iv 洛 阳 理 工 学 院 外 语 系 毕 业 论 文 How to Improve the Ability of Fast Reading (论文第一部分封面) 姓 名 XXX 专 业 06商务英语 2班 指导教师 XXX (正文前页码用小五号小罗马数字编连续码) How to Improve the Fast Reading(字体:三号Times New Roman体) Contents(论文第二部分:目录) Contentsi 摘要ii Abstractiii 1 Introduction1 2 The Importance of Fast Reading 2.1 Some Bad Reading Habits2 2.2 Summary3 3 Reading Skills4 3.1 Choosing Easy and Interesting Materials4 3.2 Skimming and Scanning5 3.3 Timed and Improving Reading Speed 3.4 The Importance of Self-correction 6 3.5 Lighting Speed Exercised and Vocabulary 3.6 The Structure of Paragraphs7 3.7 Student’s Anticipation8 3.8 Expanding Their Span of Recognition9 4 Form the English Habits9 4.1 In-depth English Reading 4.2 Active English Reading 4.3 Critical English Reading 11 5 Conclusions 12 Acknowledgement14 Bibliography15 (目录标题:字体小四号Times New Roman体) 摘 要(论文第三部分:中文摘要) 阅读是英语作为第二种语言或外语学习中四大重要的技巧之一.尤其是快速阅读,它是学生需要养成独立和自我直接阅读的技巧,伴随着信息时代的到来,英语资料也逐渐从纸质材料转变成电子材料.因此,为了每天能够获得尽可能多的信息,加快英语专业学生的阅读速度也变的越来越重要.这样一来,养成一个好的阅读习惯对学生来说是必须的,学生能够对不同的阅读材料采用不同的阅读技巧,也将有助于他们更加有效的进行阅读.一旦学生避免了阅读中的不良习惯,获得阅读中的重要技巧,学生们将发现这些技巧的奇特作用.在这个各类信息快速发展的经济的时代,为了能够获得越来越多的知识,对学生来说有效的掌握它们并消化它们是必须 的.本篇文章将介绍快速阅读的重要性,先从两方面进行介绍.然后将从七方面讨论阅读中 的不良习惯.最后,这篇文章将讨论阅读技巧,涉及十方面之多。(字体:小四号宋体) 关 键 词: 快速阅读,坏的习惯,好的技巧 ? Abstract(论文第四部分:英文摘要) Reading is one of the four important skills in English as second or foreign language, especially fast reading, it is also a skill that the students need to possess to support independent and self-directed learning. With the information age arrival, the English materials gradually change from paper to electronic ones. So it becomes more and more important for English major to speed up their reading in order to acquire as mush information as possible everyday. Thus,it is essential for students to foster a good English reading habit. And being able to adopt different reading skills for different read materials and purposes will also help the students read m



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