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Unit 2 Text A The Richest Man in American, Down Home Do you prefer ROLLS-ROYCE (劳斯莱斯) ? If you have enough money , which car would you buy ? Can you tell its brand (商标)from a various of brands? Wal-Mart(沃尔玛) Any of a very large chain of shops in the US selling a wide range of goods at low prices. The first Wal- Mart Discount City was opened in 1962 by Sam Walton . Sam Walton Walton was American retail magnate who founded Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., the largest retail-sales chain in the United States. Walton graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in economics in 1940 and opened his own Ben Franklin variety store in 1945. Based on his concept for a discount-store chain in small towns, Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in 1962. He was convinced that even small towns could generate enough business to make such stores profitable. Forbes?is?a?privately?held? publishing? and? new? media company.Its?flagship?publication?is?Forbes,oldest?of?the?nation’s?major?business? magazines.In?an?industry? increasingly?dominated?by? public?conglomerates ,Forbes?remains?one?of?the?largest?and?most? successful?family?businesses of?its?kind.In?recent?years?the?company?has?expanded?to?include?several?new divisions. The tenth:卡尔-奥布莱彻(Karl Albrecht)德国 The ninth:奥莱格-德里帕斯卡(Oleg Deripaska)俄罗斯 The eighth:KP-辛格(KP Singh)印度 The seventh:英格瓦尔-卡姆普拉德(Ingvar Kamprad)瑞典 The sixth:阿尼尔-阿巴尼(Anil Ambani)印度 The fifth:穆克什-阿巴尼(Mukesh Ambani)印度 The fourth:拉克西米-米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal)印度 The third:比尔-盖茨(William Gates III)美国 The second:卡洛斯-斯利姆-埃卢(Carlos Slim Helu)墨西哥 The first:巴菲特(Warren Buffett)美国 founded the Microsoft Corporation (1974), a computer software firm, with Paul Allen In-class Reading 1.Content comprehension Pair work: ask and answer questions (see textbook P39) 2. Part Division of the Text Part 1 (Paras1-3): The waiter was disappointed to find that the Richest Man in America led so simple a


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