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基于CAN总线的温度采集系统的设计 目前,计算机技术得到空前的发展,尤其是在微处理芯片方面,给自动控制系统的 发展带来革命性的发展,由于计算机具有快速的运算能力,ii具有良好的存储能力,同 时在精度上有着重大的突破,能够满足在自动控制领域的需要,这样以来自动控制系统 能够广泛的应用于比较复杂的算法,并能够有效的对系统进行控制。本文将对CAN总 线进行相应的技术,并就基于CAN总线的温度采集系统的设计进行详细介绍,并就如 何实现对温度的采集进行相关的介绍,同时对PC机在CAN总线的温度采集系统屮的 应用进行相应的探讨,同吋对在CAN总线的温度采集系统设计中,要注意的问题以及 软硬件设计进行详细的介绍,希望通过木文关于CAN总线的温度采集系统设计相关的 探讨,对广大的CAN总线的温度采集系统的设计者有一定的帮助。 关键i司:CAN总线;温度采集;系统设计;数据采集 Design can bus temperature acquisition system based on Abstract Currently,computer technology has been an unprecedented development,especially in micro-processing chips, to the development of automatic control system to revolutionize the development,as the computer has a fast computing power,storage capacity and good, but with the precision a major breakthrough, to meet the needs in the field of automatic control, so since automatic control system can be widely used in more complex algorithms and be able to effectively control the system. This paper will make the appropriate CAN bus technology and the design CAN Bus temperature acquisition system based on a detailed description on how to realize the collection of temperature related to the introduction, while the PC in CAN Bus temperature acquisition system the application of appropriate discussion of the problem at the same time temperature acquisition CAN bus system design,software and hardware design should pay attention to detail introduction,we hope to explore related to this article on the CAN bus design temperature acquisition system, the majority of the Designers CAN Bus temperature acquisition system has some help. Keywords: CAN bus; temperature acquisition; system design; data collection 目录 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z ■ I Abstract 错误!未定义书签。 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark5" \o "Current Document" \h 第1章绪论 5 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark9" \o "Current Document" \h 第2章基于CAN总线的温度采集系统 7 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark8" \o "Current Document" \h 2.1基于CAN总线的温度采集系统的工作原理 7 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark6" \o "Current Document" \h 2.2基于CAN总线的温度采集系统 8 第3章基于CAN总线的温度采集系统设计


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