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; Heinrich’s law 当一个企业有300起隐患或违章,非常可能要发生29起轻伤或故障,另外还有一起重伤、死亡事故。;1 相同的事故有着不同的根本原因 2 一些事件仅仅只能造成轻伤。如滑到等 3 重伤的原因是复杂的。(操作规程,设备的设计,失控等) 4 许多事故造成的只是肌肉拉伤等。 5 重大隐患解决方案资金投入较大。;理解风险7个(观点);effect of uncertainty Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the expected — positive or negative. Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood. Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential "events" (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009,364 and "consequences" (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009,, or a combination of these. Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated "likelihood" (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, of occurrence.;风险的组成;Consequence The more serious the consequence may be, the greater the need to control the hazard. –Supermarket 遵守标准不一定能免疫风险。---pregnant who may be harmed(legionella--warm water--immune suppression system cooling towers, air conditioning systems,shower heads)neighbours and passers-by and, in particular, people whose immune system is depressed;Likelihood simplest form:high, medium or low 评价是主观的,基于评价者的知识与经验 采用风险评价工具,可以相对精确获得事故发生的概率。 可接受风险范围: An acceptable risk of death for a single individual lies within the range of 10-3 to 10-4. An acceptable risk of death for a group of individuals – a multicasualty incident lies within the range 10-5 to 10-6. A risk of death can be ignored completely if it exceeds 10-7. ;但是决定危害因素导致事故的可能性是困难的,无论选择什么系统,都要将人犯错误考虑进去,无论在评价者还是操作者。 所以任何可能性的评价都会存在一个不确定度。;Perception People, as individuals and as groups, act in accordance with their own perception of the risk. Risk assessment and risk management processes will only be successful in reducing injury if there is widespread involvement of those who are potentially affected by the hazard. The safety profession


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